Atrás Weber, Bernadette

Weber, Bernadette

Bernadette Weber
Documentary maker and postdoctoral researcher

Bernadette Weber (Austria, 1987) received her PhD in Ethics and Political Philosophy (Humanities) at Pompeu Fabra University in 2023. In her work she focuses on language, pragmatism and the concept of moral progress. In 2021 she was a visiting fellow of the research group "PROGRESS" at the Ethics Institute of Utrecht University (NL). Bernadette holds a Bachelor's degree in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy (2011), and a Master's degree in Philosophy (Ethics and Political Philosophy) from the University of Genova, Italy (2017), where she worked on Hegel and the notion of "Bildung". Her interests include meta-ethics, ethics of communication, critical theory, language, and the notions of social change and solidarity. She is moreover a documentary filmmaker, with a professional degree in cinematography, who has been involved in a variety of projects (including feature documentaries, short documentary projects, fictional work and journalism) in several European countries.