Sports Workshop


UPF organizes a programme of theoretical sessions aimed at providing the university community with a forum for debate on issues related to sport and physical activity.

Information about the sessions of the 2019-20 academic year

Session 1

"Superando las dificultades del camino a los Juegos Olímpicos"

Miércoles 31 de enero a las 13:00 h en el aula 40.248 (Campus de la Ciutadella) 

Sesión a cargo de: 

  • Àlex Valverde, atleta, doctorando de la UPF y miembro de la Comisión de Atletas de la Federación Catalana de Atletismo. 

  • Sara Gallego, atleta y actual recordwoman de 400m vallas a nivel español, y alumni UPF. 

  • Paul McGrath, atleta y Campeón de Europa y 3º del Mundo en marcha. Estudiante de la UPF. 

Se requiere inscripción previa.

Session 2

Session 3 (online)

Session 4 (online)

How can you sign up for the theoretical sessions to be entitled to credits?

  1. Register for the corresponding interuniversity championship, be it a team or an individual sport.
  2. Attendance at all sessions is open. You can go straight there, and put your name down on the attendance list when the conference is over.
  3. Remember that in order to be entitled to credit recognition, you must attend at least 2 theoretical sessions.
  4. Attendance at the theoretical sessions does not necessarily involve your participation in interuniversity competitions in representation of UPF.
  5. Attending the theoretical sessions on your own account does not entitle the recognition of these credits.
  6. In the event of competing in two sports, you will have to attend 2 theoretical sessions for each sport for which you wish to apply for credits. For example, if you play in the football team and run the half marathon, you will have to attend 4 theoretical sessions if you wish to obtain 3 credits (2 for football and 1 for the half marathon).