Taller de electrònica DIY amb Nicolas Collins (abril 2019)

Sessió formativa amb estudiants del Conservatori del Lliceu (abril 2019)

Taller amb la Reactable pels culturnautas del CCCB (juliol 2018)

Taller sonor "El Delta Sona", El Prat de Llobregat (2014)

Taller sobre Ficcions Sonores (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2013)

Sound Workshops

The Sound Workshops program was created in 2008 around the platform Freesound.org from the Music Technology Group, aiming to promote interest in sound and sound technologies as a means to understand and influence our surroundings. We organize workshops where participants learn to listen, think and work with the sound of our environment, through exercises and creative strategies. The project also emphasizes the dissemination and collaborative networking using and open licenses. The Sound Workshops programme includes activities of Sons de Barcelona with schools, museums, public libraries, et cetera; and the workshops around Sounds of Nature, in which we explore the sounds of natural areas in the cities. [+ info].

If you are interested in organising or participating in a workshop, please contact us.