Back Project presentation "Con el Oído en el Recuerdo"

Project presentation "Con el Oído en el Recuerdo"

Tuesday 11 December, 20 h. Sala Aranyó (Campus UPF Poblenou, Roc Boronat 138), free admission



Sergi Benito Illa, World-As-Support:Introducing a Sound Experience

Marc de Juan Pulido, El Molino,Paral.lel, Barricades a Barcelona

Francesc Lluís Salvadó: PAINting the Spanish Civil War

Venkatesh Shenoy Kadandale: The Voices of The Walls

Martin Disley: El Que Queda; Per Veure

Joaquín Jiménez-Sauma: 1938


About the works

The goal of World-As-Support:Introducing a Sound Experience is to recreate the emotions of a War based in a Refugee, Refugi 307, that was used during the Civil War in Barcelona by using different soundscapes in this place. The Project is based in a new concept of Augmented Reality that is called World-As-Support. It is based in the projection of virtual elements into the space by detecting the real world. This new paradigm was invented by FuBIntLab, a research group at UPF, and they allow us to help them in the developments and give us the chance to introduce a sound experience to be a more immersive experience. Due to the difficulties of developing this kind of technology the sound experience is still in process. 

El Molino, Paral.lel,  Barricades a Barcelona. The idea of this piece is to recreate how workers' organization planted face to fascism in the city of Barcelona, pretending to be a small exercise of historical memory. Barcelona is recreated in 1898 (the opening of the Mill) until 1975 (the death of the dictator) from the perspective of the Mill. Taking as wire the radio recordings of the time, speeches, music from different eras and vintage photographs, sound spaces are recreated that aim to make a journey through history.

PAINting the Spanish Civil War. Each of the arts has a unique way of making us use our senses to perceive the world. Painting helps human beings to recognize the world by the means of visual senses in a profound and unique way. This work wants to invite the audience to experience the Spanish Civil war through several painter's perspectives. To do so, the style of different paintings is transferred using AI to video recordings from the war in Barcelona. By bending reality in that way, it is expected to perceive the Spanish Civil war reality more acutely.

The Voices of The Walls. The walls of R307 - an anti-aircraft passive defence shelter in Barcelona, have a story to tell for those who want to listen. These walls protected the civilians from aerial bombing during the Spanish Civil War. The installation is about the walls’ narration reflecting upon the situation of these civilians during the bombings. The mix of ‘voices’ is generated in a real-time interactive manner based on the position of hand tracked by a LEAP motion device.

El Que Queda; Per Veure (What Remains; To Be Seen). An electronic audiovisual composition. It is a sonification of the bombardment damage to the facades of Plaça de Sant Felip Neri; a memorial to the lives lost and the civic trauma endured.  The piece uses the shrapnel scarring of the buildings as the material of composition. The visual component is the literal 'score' of the piece. The piece plays out as we trace the lasting physical impact of the bombing on the square.”

1938. An audiovisual, generative, real-time performance about the bombings in Barcelona during that year. For this piece, I decided to reflect on the experiences of the persons who lived this, or similar events. Anybody who has experienced a shocking event can ponder the sounds and images in this work. The concept of the inner strength and mind character that naturally help us overcome situations like this, as a community, group, or at a personal level are the inspiration for this piece. The plot of my piece is to go from chaos and confusion to calm and peace through a process of assimilation. 


The composers

Sergi Benito Illa finished his undergraduate studies in Audiovisual Systems Engineering at UPF. He works at the Indra company. He collaborates with Narcís Parés' team in the sound reinforcement of the Refugio 307, a space that is still in the process of being executed.

Marc de Juan Pulido finished his undergraduate studies in Audiovisual Systems Engineering at UPF. He is a production intern at Davinci TI working as a team with the Scrump methodology.

Francesc Lluís Salvadó (Tàrrega,1995) Has explored approaches from both artistic and technological disciplines. Having been initialized to spanish guitar and voice, he was selected to join the Escolania de Montserrat. After being immersed in studying music, he ended up finishing a musical professional degree in double specialization in violin and piano at Conservatori de Cervera. Nowadays, he is a violin student of Tatiana Aleshinsky. Regarding the technological discipline, he holds a B.S in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC) and is currently finishing the master in Sound & Music Computing at the Music Technology Group.

Venkatesh Shenoy Kadandale is a research fellow and a musician from Mangalore, India. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in computer vision and machine listening with Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona. He holds a master’s degree in Sound and Music Computing and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He is interested in developing tools for real-time interactive music production with emphasis on expressiveness and user-interaction.

Martin Disley. Born in 1994. is a Scottish researcher and media artist. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh with a bachelor’s degree in Music Technology in 2017, he came to Barcelona to study at the MTG on the Sound and Music Computing masters programme. Since the conclusion of the programme he has moved to Iceland to intern under composers Ben Frost and Valgeir Sigurðsson."

Joaquin Jimenez-Sauma. Multidisciplinary artist working at the crossroads of sound, visual and Computer Sciences. Merging visual art, music, sound design, and interactivity. Masters Degree in Sound and Music Computing, Masters Degree in Computer Sciences, first Ableton Certified Trainer in Latin America.His work is based on experimentation and blending of different techniques and tools. As a performer, he has found a way to explore further possibilities of the man/machine relationship. Creates and performs with presentations in galleries, theater, festivals, and alternative scenarios. Joaquín founded his own school where he teaches music production, sound design and live performance of audiovisual projects. Founder and organizer of Ableton Mexico Usergroup, a community of music makers who meet periodically to share and learn together. 





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