Back Presentation of the book "Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas" by Francisco Colasanto

Presentation of the book "Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas" by Francisco Colasanto

Tuesday 16 October, 18:30 h. Sala 51.100 (Campus UPF-Poblenou, Roc Boronat 138), free admission


“Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas", represents a sample of the worries of Colasanto for sharing his knowledge about one of the more important tools of the last years regarding composers and sound artists interested in technology. This book is, then, a project of technical and pedagogical investigation that has attained to integrate a system of transmission of complex knowledge in an efficient and very systematised  fashion, while keeping an structure that allows to follow the text at different levels of depth. “Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas" is the first book on the subject published in spanish. In this conference Francisco will speak about the pedagogical strategies that he applies when teaching courses on the subject, which emerged while writing the book. 
Organised in collaboration with:
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SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
