Back Gil Dori talks on live music and dynamic graphic notation

Gil Dori talks on live music and dynamic graphic notation

Friday 3 May, 15:30 h. Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació (Sant Adriá 20), Free admission


Live Music: Dynamic Graphic Notation

In this talk, Phonos composer-in-residency Gil Dori will present an overview of animated, reactive, and interactive graphic scores. Gil will discuss general musical and technological challenges that arise from composing in this medium, as well as introduce his personal perspective and approach to this subject, which he is developing as part of his residency project at Phonos residency.


Gil Dori is a composer interested in interactive electronic music, graphic notation, proportional procedures, and Jewish music. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Arizona State University. Gil is part of the EyeHarp Project, helping to further develop the EyeHarp, a gaze-controlled digital instrument. In addition, Gil teaches computer music online at Ben-Gurion University, Israel. His music has been featured on international festivals and conferences such as Sound and Music Computing, SEAMUS National Conference, MUSLAB, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, and Balance-Unbalance. Gil also participated in masterclasses and workshops given by Georg Friedrich Haas, Pieluigi Bilone, José Manuel López López, and Jean-Francois Charles (


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