Back Presentation of Musical Bridges at the ICA Ethnomusicology Group

Presentation of Musical Bridges at the ICA Ethnomusicology Group

Rafael Caro, researcher at Musical Bridges, presented the motivation and objectives of the project, as well as the first prototype tools for Hindustani music.


On last February 22, 2019, the Ethnomusicology Group of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology invited the Musical Bridges researcher Rafael Caro to present the project to the members of the group. In the talk entitled "Musical Bridges - Herramientas computacionales para la comprensión de tradiciones musicales ajenas", Caro had the opportunity to describe the motivation and objectives of this project, describe the research datasets, and demonstrate the prototype tools for the study of Hindustani music. After the presentation, which was the first one in which the project was presented to researchers in the field of ethnomusicology, Caro had the opportunity to exchange impressions with the approximate dozen of participants, who expressed their satisfaction with some aspects of the research, as well as their doubts and concerns regarding other elements. Without a doubt, it was a very interesting and profitable session for the future development of the project.


Note: the logo of the ICA Ethnomusicology Group used as illustration of this news is the work of Andrés Alarcón Jiménez.



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