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Kindergarten teachers get introduced to the Augmented Assessment Library

Visiting teachers from Croatia, Poland, and Italy received training on using the Augmented Assessment Library. The event took place as part of a teachers’ training event organized by the TIDE research group last March the 16th. A total of 25 early childhood educators and researchers from the CACAO consortium participated in the activity.


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The integration of technology has adapted to all educational levels, and the use of resources such as Augmented Reality is now evident in pre-primary levels. For this reason, the TIDE research group presented the Augmented Assessment project to kindergarten teachers visiting the Pompeu Fabra University.

As part of the program, doctoral researcher Khadija El Aadmi Laamech led the session titled "Teaching in Community Platforms: Introducing ILDE; Integrated Learning Design Environment," in which she presented the attendees the Augmented Assessment Library.

The Augmented Assessment Project (621517-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) is an Erasmus project led by a European consortium formed by eight universities and research institutions. It aims to assess newly arrived migrant students' prior knowledge in the fields of Science and Mathematics by utilizing augmented reality. This is especially beneficial for countries such as Poland, Croatia, and Italy, where migration movements have increased in the recent years due to several factors.

In an attempt to reach a wider dissemination of the project, the TIDE research group has included the presentation of the Augmented Assessment Library in its training activities. To get to know more about the project, visit the website




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