Back Exploring future Erasmus+ collaboration opportunities in Warsaw, Poland

Exploring future Erasmus+ collaboration opportunities in Warsaw, Poland


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TIDE participated in a multi-day event (23-26 October 2023) in Warsaw, Poland to introduce its recent work (RemixEDILLUMINE), extend its network of future collaborators, and advance on ideas for near future Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership projects aimed at improving education.

Marc Beardsley, coordinator of the IlluminatedSpotlightersIllumineRemixED and TRAILS projects, represented TIDE at the event that was attended by a mix of national agency representatives, researchers, staff from association networks, and university international service staff. There were approximately 70 participants representing Spain, France, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Latvia, Norway, and Martinique.

During the event, national agency staff and event organizers provided tips on writing and managing Erasmus+ KA2-HEI partnership projects, and gave helpful feedback on specific project ideas. The event also included a European fair in which participants could share and learn more about the countries and institutions in attendance.

The title of the event was, “Get connected! Advancing Higher Education through New Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships”. For more information on international cooperation events offered by the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE), please visit the following website:

Are you interested in collaborating with TIDE on projects aimed at improving education? Contact us at [email protected]

Image source: Erasmus+



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