Back First Quarterly Meeting of PRESENT – Valencia – Spain

First Quarterly Meeting of PRESENT – Valencia – Spain

On 9-10 th December, the first Quarterly Meeting of the PRESENT project took place at Brainstorm Multimedia´s headquarters in Valencia. 

Imatge inicial

On 9-10 th December, the first Quarterly Meeting of the PRESENT project took place at
Brainstorm Multimedia´s headquarters in Valencia. All the partners of the project
participated in the meeting.

The first day, the meeting focused on a review of the project management and the
state of development of work packages 2,3 and 4, especially the use case scenarios,
architecture and APIs, the process of visual creation of the agent and the behavioural
sensitivity and responsiveness of the agent. Important technical decisions were made
in pursuit of the correct progress of the project.

On the second day, the Consortium focused the discussion on security, trust and
privacy issues in terms of both the infrastructure and the interaction of the user with
the digital agent. Subsequently, an initial plan has been drafted in order to identify the
main commercially exploitable results of the project, paving the way for the
development of a preliminary exploitation strategy by the industrial partners
participating in PRESENT.

This Quarterly Meeting was key to set specific short-term goals seeking to be perfectly
aligned with the general objectives and planning initially defined in PRESENT proposal.



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