Back Teresa Pelinski, artista e investigadora en residència

Teresa Pelinski, artista e investigadora en residència

treballarà en generació de veu amb intel·ligencia artificial des de perspectives crítiques


Teresa Pelinksi will develop her project No Shell, Just a voice, an artistic research work on the generation of voices with artificial intelligence methods, to explore the limits of identity, the body and llenguatje. The result of her research will be published by Phonos Netlabel in 2022.

Teresa Pelinski is a PhD researcher in artificial intelligence and music at Queen Mary University of London. She did her undergrad in physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she became interested in sound, so she studied acoustics at RWTH Aachen (Germany). After that she did her masters in sound and music computing at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She is not very good at playing instruments but her research is on digital musical instruments. She likes computers, sound art, books and languages. 


Profiles of the protagonists:

Teresa Pelinksi
No shell just a voice
Phonos Netlabel


SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
