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Back Xavier Serra participates in the European Forum on Music 2023

Xavier Serra participates in the European Forum on Music 2023

The conference takes place in Budapest, Hungary, from 8 to 10 June 2023


Imatge inicial

European Forum on Music (EFM) is a 3-day event organized by European Music Council that joins hundreds of music professionals and art enthusiasts from all over Europe, and get to know relevant case studies and learn about music projects. The 11th edition of the EFM takes place this year in Budapest, Hungary, from 8 to 10 June, and the aim of this year is to discuss on how to Sustain Music.

Xavier Serra will participate in a discussion on the relations between music & technology in the panel about «Sustaining Music in the Digital Arena»

EFM program:




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF


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