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Back The vocal quartet Cantoría collaborates with TROMPA project

The vocal quartet Cantoría collaborates with TROMPA project

Cantoría will integrate its vocal poliphony from the Iberian golden age repertoire in TROMPA choir use case prototype


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TROMPA is a project that aims to enrich and democratise the European publicly available musical heritage through a user-centred co-creation setup. As part of this project, the MTG and VoctroLabs are focused on the specific use case of choir singers, creating an application to help choir singers in their individual practice and for the learning of choral music with or without knowledge of Musical language.

In this context we have stablished a collaboration with the vocal quartet Cantoría. This collaboration will allow other participating choirs to have access to the synthesized repertoire of this emerging vocal quartet, and also to perform a concert that will bring together all the participants in spring 2021. Cantoría is currently recording its repertoire in order to generate the synthesis of their voices, to be used in the prototype application for choir singers of the TROMPA project.

Cantoría is an ensemble created in 2016 and is directed by Jorge Losana and its members are Inés Alonso (soprano), Samuel Tapia (countertenor), Jorge Losana (tenor and conductor) and Valentín Miralles (bass). With various international recognitions and awards, their career has taken off with force and they have performed concerts in many countries around Europe: Italy, Germany, France, Poland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Croatia, Lithuania, Spain, etc.


● Selected as a young promise by the IYAP, International Presentation of Young Artists of Antwerp 2017, in the edition of the Bruges Ancient Music Festival and in the edition of the prestigious Oude Muziek Festival in Utrech.

● Audience Award at the 2018 Ambronay EEEmerging Festival.

● Selected by the residency program of La Cité de la Voix, in Vézelay.

● Member of the MuSAE de Juventudes Musicales, in Spain.

● Prize for Ancient Music FestClásica, in Spain

● Ensemble resident at the Centro di Musica Antica Ghislieri in Pavia, Italy.

Cantoría is supported by Acción Cultural Española, the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music, the Ministry of Culture of the Community of Madrid and the Institute of Cultural Industries of Murcia.

The TROMPA project has received support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

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