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Back Raül Refree + Groove Transformer. Open Rehearsal at the CCCB

Raül Refree + Groove Transformer. Open Rehearsal at the CCCB

Groove Transformer is a real-time generative system developed at the MTG by Behzad Haki and Sergi Jordà


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On February 29, 2024 at 7PM the CCCB, in the frame of it exhibition Artificial Intelligence, presents an open rehearsal of the musician and producer Raül Refree performing with the Groove Transformer. This event marks its public debut, offering the audience the first opportunity to see this unique and evolving collaboration.

Groove Transformer responds to the rhythmic inputs of human performers and accompanies them accordingly. Based on state-of-the-art neural networks, one of its main goals is to be light enough to be used in real time on any laptop. Groove Transformer is being continuously developed, and Raül Refree and its creators have spent months working together to adjust the system.

Behzad Haki is completing his PhD in intelligent percussion agents at the MTG, focusing primarily on the development of AI-based, lightweight, free, open-source generative tools. In collaboration with Nick Evans, they have developed an open hardware module that facilitates the integration of AI algorithms into music production and performance setups. 

CCCB’s exhibition Artificial Intelligence also includes the installation El Bongosero, created by Haki, Evans and Jordà, that enables visitors to engage with and train an AI for music generation.


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