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Back 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences

2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences

The MTG co-host this symposium that will take place from 26 to 28 October 2022 in hybrid format


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The ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS) aims to bring together and support scholars whose work combines methods and approaches from ethnomusicology and/or ethnochoreology with those from the sciences to explore sound and movement in musical and dance contexts. Here, the sciences are broadly defined, including but not limited to disciplines such as cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, statistics, mathematics, biology, physics, and medical science.

SoMoS 2022 will take place on October 26 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and on October 27 and 28 at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

The full program can be found here:

The program includes the keynote "Music, Health, and Wellbeing: Methods for Bridging Science and Ethnography" by Bernd Brabec de Mori, and the Lecture/Concert "Bi-musicality at the age of artificial intelligence" by Marc Chemillier and Justin Vali.

Registration and more information:



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