The second Maria de Maeztu Strategic Research Program (CEX2021-001195-M) of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) takes place between 2023 and 2026. The website for this program is under construction. You can find some details in this news.

The first María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program (MDM-2015-0502) took place between January 2016 and June 2020. It was focused on data-driven knowledge extraction, boosting synergistic research initiatives across our different research areas.

Back Falling Walls Lab Barcelona 2017

  September 12th 2017, 16h.

  Auditorium, Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona. 

  UPF Communication Campus.

  Registration is free but required here.


Great minds, 3 minutes, 1 day.

The Falling Walls Lab is a challenging, inspiring and interdisciplinary format for outstanding talents. It offers the opportunity to excellent academics and professionals to present their innovative ideas, research projects and social initiatives.

Each participant is asked to present his/her work in 3 minutes. All disciplines are welcome. A prestigious jury from science and business awards the best participants. The winner qualifies directly to the Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin.

Moderated by: Guillermo Orts Gil (FECYT/MINECO)



  • Yoran Beldengrün (IQAC-CSIC). Breaking the Wall of scientists. Scientists break walls, we help building bridges.
  • Francisco José Eiroa Orosa (University of Barcelona). Breaking the Wall of professionals' stigma in mental health. Promoting shared spaces for mental health recovery.
  • Ignacio Funes Ardoiz (ICIQ).  Breaking the Wall of energy production. Water as a fuel source? Check it computationally!
  • Ana García Díaz (Univ. Complutense). Breaking the Wall of freedom of education. Powerful ideas in the journey towards excellence. 
  • Steven Gottlieb (CSIC). Breaking the Wall of Gordon Moore. Imagine that future computers build themselves.
  • Lela Mélon (UPF). Breaking the Wall of shareholder value maximization. The shareholder value maximization as a myth.
  • Emre Ozan Polat (ICFO). Breaking the Wall of personal health monitoring. Wearable wellness patches showing health status.
  • Maria Rauschenberger (DTIC-UPF). Breaking the Wall of dyslexia. A tool with the potential to change children life.
  • Emiliano Salvagni (IQAC-CSIC). Breaking the Wall of eye infections due to contact lenses. Soft contact lenses with antibacterial activity.
  • Nivas Selvaraj (University of Aveiro). Breaking the Wall of lead based devices. New world, green materials with clean environment.
  • Zacharias Vamvakousis (DTIC-UPF). Breaking the Wall of accessibility in playing music. Everybody should have access to playing music.
  • Amilcar Vargas (University of Barcelona). Breaking the Wall of participation in world heritage sites. Participation in World Heritage is urgently needed.
  • Víctor Vilarrasa (CSIC). Breaking the Wall of geo-energies. Develop techniques to anticipate felt earthquakes.


Department of Information and Communication Technologies, UPF

Grant CEX2021-001195-M funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033


Department of Information and Communication Technologies, UPF

[email protected]

  • Àngel Lozano - Scientific director
  • Aurelio Ruiz - Program management