We have relevant datasets, repositories, frameworks and tools of relevance for research and technology transfer initiatives related to knowledge extraction. This section provides an overview on a selection of them and links to download or contact details.

The MdM Strategic Research Program has its own community in Zenodo for material available in this repository  as well as at the UPF e-repository  . Below a non-exhaustive list of datasets representative of the research in the Department.

As part of the promotion of the availability of resources, the creation of specific communities in Zenodo has also been promoted, at level of research communities (for instance, MIR and Educational Data Analytics) or MSc programs (for instance, the Master in Sound and Music Computing)



Back Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Gómez F, Serra X. Natural language processing for music knowledge discovery. Journal New Music Research

Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Gómez F, Serra X. Natural language processing for music knowledge discovery. Journal New Music Research

Today, a massive amount of musical knowledge is stored in written form, with testimonies dated as far back as several centuries ago. In this work, we present different Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches to harness the potential of these text collections for automatic music knowledge discovery, covering different phases in a prototypical NLP pipeline, namely corpus compilation, text-mining, information extraction, knowledge graph generation, and sentiment analysis. Each of these approaches is presented alongside different use cases (i.e. flamenco, Renaissance and popular music) where large collections of documents are processed, and conclusions stemming from data-driven analyses are presented and discussed.

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