
Workshop: Getting your PhD but keeping your sanity

As part of the PhD seminars, and resulting in a demand from some students, we are hosting a first Workhop supporting "mental well-being" by students, as a complement to the activities during the 7th PhD workshop (April 4th). This first workshop is offered by Scientists Dating Forum.

Registration required using this form.


Getting your PhD but keeping your sanity. April 4th. 15:30h - 17:00h

Learning Objectives:

-        Increased awareness of typical threats to well-being in carrying out PhD research and what to do about them

-        Development of complex problem-solving skills

-        Practical strategies for positively dealing with threats to well-being encountered in the PhD



Recent studies suggest that PhD students suffer a mental health issues at alarming levels—around six times the level of the general population—issues which impact not only productivity and program outcomes but also the long-term well-being of the developing researcher.

Research centers have begun to address the issue, but it resists a simple policy solution. Indeed, the issue of mental health and well-being in PhD programs has the characteristics of a “wicked problem”. For example, it lacks a definitive solution, every problem is unique, it can be explained in a number of ways, and it tightly intertwined with a number of interconnected systems, also experiencing issues.

In light of these challenges, this workshop takes a collaborative, action-oriented approach to generate awareness and empower PhD students. Based on methods developed in psychology, organizational studies, and design thinking, it provides a means of understanding and addressing the challenges PhD students face in a way that allows for the variety of forms these are likely to take.

Participants will gain increased awareness of the complexity of the issue and propose their own solution in a hands-on, supportive setting.


Duration: 1.5 Hours

Location: Sala Ca l'Aranyó