
2018 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award from the European Artificial Intelligence Association awarded to Javier Segovia

The 2018 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI, the European Artificial Intelligence Association has been awarded to Javier Segovia AguasUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain for his thesis:

Program Synthesis for Generalized Planning (available at UPF e-repository)

under the supervision of Anders Jonsson (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain).

This Award includes a certificate signed by the ECCAI Chair and 1.500 Euros (which include the travel grant for the Award ceremony). The Selection Committee has decided to award, in addition, honourable mentions to both Sebastijan Dumancic (KULeuven, Belgium) for his thesis "Learning Symbolic Latent Representations for Relational Data". The EurAI Dissertation Award Presentation took place on August 14th at IJCAI 2019 in Macau, China