[Colloquium] Nothing in Common. Apophatic Philosophy & Political Theology, with J. Heisig, J. O'Leary, A. Vega, and C. Cornille (12-13.04.2024)

Spring Colloquium, Apophatic Political Theology: The Spiritual Potency of the Survivors (Boston College)


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On April 12 and 13, 2024, Professor Carlos Mendoza OP organizes and coordinates the Spring Colloquium "Apophatic Political Theology" at Boston College (United States). The highlight of the colloquium is a public conference, moderated by Professor Caterine Cornille, featuring three special guests: professors James Heisig (Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan), Joseph S. O'Leary (Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan), Amador Vega (UPF, coordinator of CERCCA and IP of the Haas Research Group in Poetics of Knowledge). This event takes place on April 12 between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., local time.

Throughout the following day, the three guests participate in roundtable discussions, each from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Professor Matthew Kruger moderates the session "Apophaticism and Aesthetics: Poetics of the Void," in conversation with Amador Vega, Professor Matthew Vale leads the session "Apophaticism and Comparative Philosophy of the Self," in conversation with Joseph O'Leary, and Professor Carlos Mendoza leads the final session, "Apophaticism and Political Theology of the Divine An-archy," in conversation with James Heisig.

In connection with this colloquium, three webinars are also scheduled:

  • March 1: "Apophaticism, Environment, and the Self," moderated by Matthew Kruger (2:00 p.m.)
  • March 22: "Comparative Buddhist and Christian Apophatic Thought," moderated by Matthew Vale (2:00 p.m.)
  • April 5: "Apophatic Political Theology," moderated by Carlos Mendoza (2:00 p.m.)

Find all the information about the Spring Colloquium here


Profiles of the protagonists:

Carlos Mendoza
James Heisig
Joseph S. O'Leary
Amador Vega
Catherine Cornille
Matthew Kruger
Matthew Vale


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