+RAIN Film Festival. International Festival of Film and Artificial Intelligence

2nd edition, from June 11 to 14

Further information

UPF launches its body-to-science donation program

Using the message 'Thanks to you' as a slogan, the University wants to thank the donors for this altruistic act that allows to guarantee the high quality teaching of the degree in Medicine at UPF.

Read the news Body-to-science donation program

If you are 50 or older and want to update, stay up to date and learn, this is your program. Come to UPFSenior!

Registration open from June 3 to 28

Pompeu Fabra University awards an honorary doctorate to the feminist and climate change activist, Vandana Shiva

Pompeu Fabra University awards an honorary doctorate to the feminist and climate change activist, Vandana Shiva

The university's highest distinction has been awarded in recognition of its academic contribution and eco-feminist and pacifist activism.

Angela Davis at UPF: “Creating knowledge makes no sense if it does not serve to improve people’s lives”

Angela Davis at UPF: “Creating knowledge makes no sense if it does not serve to improve people’s lives”

The activist talks to the journalist Mònica Terribas at the tribute by the University to its honorary doctor

Back MedBioinformatics, a project about translational research and personalized medicine in oncology and neuropsychiatry

MedBioinformatics, a project about translational research and personalized medicine in oncology and neuropsychiatry

This project coordinated by Ferran Sanz,  aims to develop useful bioinformatics tools and applications, and autonomously usable for analysing the huge amount of data and knowledge generated in healthcare and biomedical research in order to facilitate translational research and precision medicine.


Under Horizon 2020, the EU has funded the 3.5 million project MedBioinformatics. This project aims to develop useful bioinformatics tools and applications, and autonomously usable for analysing the huge amount of data and knowledge generated in healthcare and biomedical research in order to facilitate translational research and precision medicine.

1-ferran2 According to Ferran Sanz, professor at the Health and Experimental Sciences Department of the UPF, director of the Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) (UPF-IMIM), and coordinator of this project,  "most potential users, i.e. translational researchers and health professionals, do not have adequate tools to efficiently exploit this large and heterogeneous amount of information. So far, efforts to develop bioinformatics methods and tools have not produced the expected impact in healthcare environments."

Ferran Sanz added that this is primarily due to two reasons "on one hand, the lack of integrative strategies that effectively combine the diverse types of data that are available in different repositories around the world. On the other hand, there is a lack of involvement of end users during the process of creating applications to identify the information they really need and to present it in the most appropriate format. We must develop applications that integrate, analyse and show biomedical information in a way that is immediately understandable and useful to end users."

The applications that will be developed in the MedBioinformatics project will focus on two key medical specialties, oncology and neuropsychiatry, which have a big impact on the health and welfare of the population. Identifying the bioinformatics needs of these two specialties will facilitate the identification and design of applications that will meet the needs of biomedical professionals from other areas. Among the applications to be developed there is a new generation of tools to study the relationship between genotype and phenotype, a browser of disease biomarkers, tools to analyse and predict comorbidities, and applications to support molecular diagnostics and personalized treatment of cancer. To accomplish its objectives, MedBioinformatics has assembled a multidisciplinary team made ​​up of bioinformatics and translational and clinical researchers.

The MedBioinformatics project will last three years and is coordinated by Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute of Barcelona (IMIM). There are 13 research groups of 9 institutions from 5 different countries involved in the project. They cover five axes of expertise (bioinformatics, translational research, clinical practice, industry/SMEs and project management) and two medical specialities (oncology and neuropsychiatry). The Universitat Pompeu Fabra participated with three research groups involved:  Biomedical Genomics Research Group, Evolutionary Genomics Lab, and Neurobiology of Behaviour Research Group; the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology; and, the company Synapse Research Management Partners. The other institutions are the  European Bioinformatics Institute and the University of Oxford, both in UK; the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland; and the company BMD Software from  Portugal.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
