Atrás Seminar on music knowledge extraction using machine learning

Seminar on music knowledge extraction using machine learning

Taking advantage of the researchers coming to Barcelona for the NIPS conference (, we are organizing this small and informal seminar at the UPF. The goal is to have an open discussion on various topics related to machine learning applied to music, but putting special emphasis on the knowledge extraction aspects of it. Registration open.



Taking advantage of the researchers coming to Barcelona for the NIPS conference (, we are organizing this small and informal seminar at the UPF. The goal is to have an open discussion on various topics related to machine learning applied to music, but putting special emphasis on the knowledge extraction aspects of it.

Program (abstracts below)

Organiser: Xavier Serra (Music Technology Group, DTIC-UPF)

15:00h - 16:30h Part 1

16:30h - 17:15h - Coffee break and poster session

17:15h - 19:00h - Part 2

All details and registration at the seminar's page



ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
