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Ethical aspects when researching in communication > Principles



UNESCO's Ethical Guidelines for International Comparative Social Research lists 19 conditions that all research conducted with humans should follow. Some of these principles, which we recommend, are the following:

* Research should avoid meddling in the lives of the investigated subjects without their permission.

* The investigated subjects must provide their consent, so they must be informed in a clear and understandable way about the context, nature, methods and procedures, funding and objectives of the research.

* An agreement in terms of confidentiality must be proposed to the investigated subjects.

* Participating subjects must be offered access to research material and its results.

* All data obtained in an investigation must be preserved so that the data and agreements with the participants are respected at all times.

* The investigation will respect the law at all times.

* The research must respect the principles of not harming those investigated in any way, it must be designed in a way that is beneficial to society as a whole, it must respect the dignity and rights of the participants, and the benefits of the research must be distributed fairly among people.

* Investigations will be carried out in good faith, acknowledging the contributions of others, citing them properly without incurring in plagiarism or copying of any kind. All research materials and results will be original and will respect these ethical principles.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
