Back 01.03.02 Object Of Study

01.03.02 Object Of Study

How to design a research project in communication > Approach to the research problem > Object of study



The delimitation of the object of study consists in establishing the "what" and the sources. It delimits what is intended to be investigated, the formulation of the problem delimits the research and serves as a guide. To identify and define the research problem, a step to follow after deciding what our topic is, a first operation that can be decided is to establish spatial and temporal boundaries. It is also essential to limit the object of study in space and time, that is, to delimit the field of research. The topics that are raised in a broad way, without specifying the geographical and temporal scope, as well as the purpose of the research, have no chance of success. For example, if our topic is fake news, and our intention is to explain its emergence and development, how and why they occur and how they are disseminated, and with what effects, it is a good idea to limit ourselves to a case already a given period of time, not random but sufficiently justified.


It will help to make a good state of the question of the phenomenon we are studying, so that we can trace its historical development and its context so that we can better focus on what we intend to explain. A good state of affairs will also help us not to address a topic or research question that is exhausted or sufficiently explained. There is a concept that we must always keep in mind: what will be our contribution to the topic we are dealing with.


The determination of the object of study consists, in short, not only in the choice of the research topic that delimits the object of study, but also delimits the research action, the conceptual framework and the methodological strategy. The multiparadigmatism of the social sciences, interdisciplinarity, is taken into account. The theoretical-methodological perspective (also which alternative views are excluded) and the research hypotheses are raised.



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