Back 01.05.04 Operations to do with hypothesis

01.05.04 Operations to do with hypothesis

How to design a research project in communication > Hypothesis > Operations to do with hypothesis



The first operation is to decide whether a hypothesis is central or secondary, that is, to prioritize it. If we think that age influences the direction of voting (H1), a secondary hypothesis would be that during youth there is a greater tendency to vote left-wing parties (H1.1), than in the range between 35 and 55 the tendency to vote for liberal parties is higher (H1.2), while in the age group between 56 and 70 the tendency is to vote for conservative parties (H1.3). In turn, the hypotheses can be positive, negative (null) or alternative: it is positive when there is a relationship between variables that occurs in this way (when a cause X occurs a consequence Y occurs, for example), and negative when a cause does not lead to a consequence or, directly, there is no relationship between variables. Alternative is when it proposes a different explanation to the positive or negative hypothesis (null).



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