Back 01.03.01 Definition

01.03.01 Definition

How to design a research project in communication > Approach to the research problem > Definition



The problem must be formulated in a "specific, precise and operational" way (Ander-Egg, 1993: 139) in order to investigate. Ander-Egg (1993: 139) recommends subdividing the problem into “issues involved (subproblems)”. Quantitative methodology often uses the aggregation and disaggregation of concepts. To transfer this methodological mechanism of the social sciences (aggregated and disaggregated) to the conceptualization of the object of study aims to raise the problem in an operational, manipulable way. In the delimitation phases of the problem, Ander-Egg emphasizes that the problem must be identified and detailed in a clear and precise way “by means of the dimensional decomposition, establishing its constituents, variables or dimensions” (1993: 141). In addition to reviewing the existing literature and related data and issues, a task of defining the relevant terms should be performed, to establish what their scope is in the work to be performed.



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