Thesis linked to the implementation of the María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program.

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Back Second ERC Proof of Concept Grant awarded to Marcelo Bertalmío

Second ERC Proof of Concept Grant awarded to Marcelo Bertalmío

Marcelo Bertalmio, leader of the Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography research group at DTIC, has received his second ERC Proof of Concept grant for the project “GAMMAVISION: Gamut mapping technology based on vision models”.


Marcelo Bertalmio, leader of the Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography research group at DTIC, has received his second ERC Proof of Concept grant for the project “GAMMAVISION: Gamut mapping technology based on vision models”.

The European Research Council, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premiere European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. The Proof of Concept program provides top-up funding to researchers already funded in an ERC scheme to explore the commercial or societal potential of the results of their ERC-funded frontier research. Previously Marcelo Bertalmío received another Proof of Concept to bring to market a tone mapping algorithm patented in 2016.

Full list of awardees



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