Thesis linked to the implementation of the María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program.

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Back Oramas S., Nieto O., Sordo M., & Serra X. (2017) A Deep Multimodal Approach for Cold-start Music Recommendation. 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems, RecSys 2017

Oramas S., Nieto O., Sordo M., & Serra X. (2017) A Deep Multimodal Approach for Cold-start Music Recommendation.

An increasing amount of digital music is being published daily. Music streaming services o‰en ingest all available music, but this poses a challenge: how to recommend new artists for which prior knowledge is scarce? In this work we aim to address this so-called cold-start problem by combining text and audio information with user feedback data using deep network architectures. Our method is divided into three steps. First, artist embeddings are learned from biographies by combining semantics, text features, and aggregated usage data. Second, track embeddings are learned from the audio signal and available feedback data. Finally, artist and track embeddings are combined in a multimodal network. Results suggest that both spliŠing the recommendation problem between feature levels (i.e., artist metadata and audio track), and merging feature embeddings in a multimodal approach improve the accuracy of the recommendations.

Additional material:

  • arXiv pre-print
  • Source code at GitHub
  • MSD-A dataset (dataset, data splits, feature embeddings and models)

The MSD-A is a dataset related to the Million Song Dataset (MSD). It is a collection of artist tags and biographies gathered from for all the artists that have songs in the MSD.


Corpus of artist biographies

Corpus of artist tags

MSD-Taste triplets for artists and track ids

Data to reproduce experiments

Tartarus: Library for deep learning experiments