Thesis linked to the implementation of the María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program.

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Back Music learning tunes in to the wisdom of sports methodologies

(Excerpt from the original article at CORDIS news)

As any budding pop star knows, learning a musical instrument is difficult. One reason is that teaching is still based on an ancient method.

In the master-apprentice model, students observe and imitate the teacher, who provides feedback. Students must then practise individually, which some find too solitary. Another problem is the long wait for teacher feedback. Advice is disconnected from body movement and audio sensations of the performance, adding to the difficulty. As such, the master-apprentice model leads to high abandonment rates.

The EU-funded TELMI project developed a complementary alternative based on interactive software. Essentially, the software tracks and visually represents the students’ movements, while also monitoring the sound, in both cases giving immediate feedback.

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