We develop a large number of software tools and hosting infrastructures to support the research developed at the Department. We will be detailing in this section the different tools available. You can take a look for the moment at the offer available within the UPF Knowledge Portal, the innovations created in the context of EU projects in the Innovation Radar and the software sections of some of our research groups:


 Artificial Intelligence

 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

 Web Research 


 Music Technology

 Interactive  Technologies

 Barcelona MedTech

 Natural Language  Processing

 Nonlinear Time Series  Analysis


Wireless Networking

Educational Technologies




Back Garcia-Canadilla P, Dejea H, Bonnin A, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Zhang C, Butakoff C, Aguado-Sierra J, Vázquez M, Jackson L H, Stuckey D J, Rau C, Stampanoni M, Bijnens B, Cook. Complex Congenital Heart Disease Associated With Disordered Myocardial Architecture in a Midtrimester Human Fetus. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging.


Garcia-Canadilla P, Dejea H, Bonnin A, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Zhang C, Butakoff C, Aguado-Sierra J, Vázquez M, Jackson L H, Stuckey D J, Rau C, Stampanoni M, Bijnens B, Cook. Complex Congenital Heart Disease Associated With Disordered Myocardial Architecture in a Midtrimester Human Fetus. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging.


In the era of increasingly successful corrective interventions in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), global and regional myocardial remodeling are emerging as important sources of long-term morbidity/mortality. Changes in organization of the myocardium in CHD, and in its mechanical properties, conduction, and blood supply, result in altered myocardial function both before and after surgery. To gain a better understanding and develop appropriate and individualized treatment strategies, the microscopic organization of cardiomyocytes, and their integration at a macroscopic level, needs to be completely understood. The aim of this study is to describe, for the first time, in 3 dimensions and nondestructively the detailed remodeling of cardiac microstructure present in a human fetal heart with complex CHD.

Methods and Results:

Synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast imaging was used to image an archival midgestation formalin-fixed fetal heart with right isomerism and complex CHD and compare with a control fetal heart. Analysis of myocyte aggregates, at detail not accessible with other techniques, was performed. Macroanatomic and conduction system changes specific to the disease were clearly observable, together with disordered myocyte organization in the morphologically right ventricle myocardium. Electrical activation simulations suggested altered synchronicity of the morphologically right ventricle.


We have shown the potential of X-ray phase-contrast imaging for studying cardiac microstructure in the developing human fetal heart at high resolution providing novel insight while preserving valuable archival material for future study. This is the first study to show myocardial alterations occur in complex CHD as early as midgestation.


Data supplement: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.118.007753