We develop a large number of software tools and hosting infrastructures to support the research developed at the Department. We will be detailing in this section the different tools available. You can take a look for the moment at the offer available within the UPF Knowledge Portal, the innovations created in the context of EU projects in the Innovation Radar and the software sections of some of our research groups:


 Artificial Intelligence

 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

 Web Research 


 Music Technology

 Interactive  Technologies

 Barcelona MedTech

 Natural Language  Processing

 Nonlinear Time Series  Analysis


Wireless Networking

Educational Technologies




Back Celebrating the Science Week! Collaborative and participatory data-driven social action

Celebrating the Science Week! Collaborative and participatory data-driven social action

Between Nov 11th-20th the Science Week takes place in Catalonia (Setmana de la Ciència). Our Department joins the celebration with collaborative activities with a wide range of stakeholders, most of them in the context of strengthening the role of academia in collaborative and participatory actions linked to our Strategic Research Program.



Between Nov 11th-20th the Science Week takes place in Catalonia (Setmana de la Ciència). Our Department joins the celebration with collaborative activities with a wide range of stakeholders:

American Space - Dept. of State USA / US Consulate in Barcelona and the Network of Public Libraries

  • The MdM program has collaborated with the US Consulate in Barcelone in the opening of the first American Space in the city, hosted by the Ignasi Iglesias - Can Fabra Library. On saturday and monday morning, DTIC-UPF researchers and alumni run free workshops on 3D printing, scratch and makey makey, sound creation (Sons de Barcelona), Robotics and Interactive Storytelling for 200 kids 10-14 years old (50% per gender guaranteed during registration). In addition, a total of 4 free 20-hour courses on those topics are being conducted in the American Space since November. A mid term objective is to contribute to the establishment of collaborative learning groups (especially of kids and teenagers) in this facility around different technologies.


  • Escola Drassanes: As part of the MdM social and outreach activities, a collaboration with this primary school located in Ciutat Vella is being established, with the ultimate target of embedding science and technology along the educational path of the kids in the school (3y to 12y). These first activities will consist on workshop for the groups between 9y and 12y.
    • 3 Makey Makey & Scratch Workshops: Marie Monique Schaper
    • 2 Robotics Workshops: Vladimir Estivill
  • Science Day at Schools:
    • Javier Vázquez Corral: The maths behind your profile pictures @ Institut Milà i Fontanals
    • Rafael Pous: The wireless revolution - how does an antenna work? @ Balaguer City Council.





SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
