Saturday 11th was the celebration of the international day of girls and women in science, with around 300 events in Spain (check this web for all details. We joined the celebration with several activities, in cooperation with Barcelona Civic Lab, including workshops for girls and women, and the award ceremony of the Wisibilízalas contest.
On the one hand, it was the award ceremony of the Wisibilízalas contest, the contest for schools launched in 2016, where school students (boys and girls) worked on spanish female engineers working now in the ICT field. It was a specific objective to work on contemporary local engineers to reinforce the link that students can have with those profiles. The contest was promoted and driven by Ana Freire (visiting professor at DTIC, Web Research Group) and Aurelio Ruiz. The project was also possible thanks to the financial support of Google, The Social Council of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Schibsted Media Group, Zurich IT Delivery Center and Eurecat, who provided the awards, the cooperation of Principia, Wikimujeres and Ultra-Labs, as well as the 108 students and their teachers who took part in it. Thanks to Televisión de Galicia you can get to know IES Brion, one of the centers that took part (Video in galician), and here (in Spanish) the press talking about IES Vega de Toranzo.
Twitter account: @wisibilizalas
Winner: WisibiGorgs, IES Gorgs, Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona)
Second position: MaristasAlicante2, Sagrado Corazón HH Maristas (Alicante)
Third position: Alceda People, IES Vega de Toranzo, Alceda (Cantabria) & Brion2, IES de Brión (A Coruña)
These slides provide additional details about the first edition of the contest.
We are now already working in the second edition of the contest. NAE, an ICT consultancy firm with offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Bogotá and México, has already confirmed their sponsorship to the program. Thanks! Additional sponsors are welcome to join.
If you would like to get informed when we launch the new edition, leave us your contact details here.
On the other hand, we run a series of workshops (> 200 people attended) by members of our staff, Sons de Barcelona or in cooperation with external entities such as Edukative, Gamifica't, Intelygenz and MujeresTech. Barcelona Civic Lab took care of an open play space where kids could stay while their mothers / sisters were taking part in the activities. Barcelona Televisió (Video, in catalan and spanish)