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A retrospective and interdisciplinary analysis of nuclear energy and social debate

The HoNESt project is to start in September 2015 and will be coordinated by Albert Presas, researcher of the History of Science research group of the Department of Humanities, and will involve twenty-four research institutions.


This February official confirmation was announced of the support by the European Commission and EURATOM to carry out the project History of Nuclear Energy and Society (HoNESt), an interdisciplinary project coordinated by Albert Presas, a researcher of the History of Science research group of UPF's Department of Humanities.

The project is to commence at the start of September 2015 and will have a budget of 3,052,269 euros, of which 361,495 euros correspond to UPF, to carry it out within three years of the start.


HoNESt is an interdisciplinary consortium of twenty-four institutions performing research with the common goal of improving knowledge of the dynamics established betwee

The interaction of civil society with nuclear developments changes with time and varies depending on whether such interaction is local, national or transnational. HoNESt seeks to address the complexity of the political, technological and economic challenges, as well as understand the state of affairs on safety, the perception of risk, communication and the media, public participation, social movements, and so on. As a subject of study, nuclear energy can be addressed from various angles and to date its interaction has been studied mainly disjointedly.n nuclear development and society in the past sixty years. The results of this analysis will help with the current debate on future energy sources and the transition to the production of affordable, safe and clean energy sources.

HoNESt will provide a pioneering interdisciplinary and integrated approach which conceptually will be fed from Large Technology Systems (LTS) and the Integrated Socio-technical (IST) system and will establish close and innovative collaboration with expert historians and social scientists in this field of knowledge. The project will compile historical data from more than twenty countries for analysis by historians and social scientists using retrospective analysis techniques starting from the past up to the present day with the aim of improving the understanding of the mechanisms underlying decision-making and citizen participation associated with nuclear energy.

The project involves the main key players of this subject: industry, policy makers and civil society, in a structured dialogue that frames the results in a public debate on nuclear power.



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