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The University is supporting 18 proposals that will contribute to social commitment and sustainable development around the world

A total of 25 projects were submitted for the new edition of UPF Solidària grants, most of them dealing with education and cooperation in African countries, in addition to the implementation of local projects. The total financial endowment of the call is 40,000 euros.


Imatge inicial

UPF Solidària announced last Thursday, 23 February, the social projects that will receive financial aid for social engagement and sustainable development projects. A total of 18 have been selected to receive funding, primarily focusing on cooperation, development and knowledge transfer in developing world countries, as well as initiatives in the city of Barcelona.

The selected proposals had to be in line with the objectives of the call: be related to training-education, the fight against social exclusion, and international cooperation, but also be closely linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Good health and well-being, Reduced inequalities, Climate action, and Affordable and clean energy.

The UPF Solidària initiative has been in force since 2007, when the University set up its own annual call for aid in the fields of solidarity and cooperation for development. Over the years, UPF has allocated a total of €714,500 to 191 different local and international projects.

The financial aid for each project ranges from 1,000 to 4,000 euros. The committee commissioned to select the projects was chaired by Esther Oliveras, a professor of the Department of Economics and Business and vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability at UPF, and included representatives of the administrative and service staff, teaching and research staff, and the student community, as well as a representative of the Board of Trustees, an external person who is an expert on similar selection processes, as well as professionals in the field of Social Responsibility from UPF.

The winning projects

The winners include 11 projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, tackling issues such as sustainable irrigation networks in Mozambique, the promotion of oral hygiene for children in Senegal, and workshops for the empowerment of young mothers in the face of the climate and health crisis in Madagascar. This edition has also chosen local projects, four in total, which aim to help charitable causes through schemes for the employment of battered women, robots for mental health crises of young people, and promoting the social inclusion of autistic people through the creation of a radio programme. The latter project will be carried out by the TEAdir association, one of the four participating for the first time in the UPF Solidària programme.

Regarding Latin America and Asia, there will be two projects, respectively: access to eye health for people in Bolivia, and drinking water for Nepalese children.

The UPF Solidària initiative has been in force since 2007, when the University set up its own annual call for aid in the fields of solidarity and cooperation for development. Over the years, UPF has allocated a total of €714,500 to 191 different local and international projects.


SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

01. No poverty
02. Zero hunger
03. Good health and well-being
05. Gender equality
08. Decent work and economic growth
10. Reduced inequalities
13. Climate action
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Els ODS a la UPF


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