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Back A web platform to promote innovation in hospitals

A web platform to promote innovation in hospitals

Cristina Giménez, a student of Biomedical Engineering, proposes the creation of a platform that brings the worlds of engineering and healthcare together. The project led her to be selected as one of twenty young entrepreneurs of the ATÍPICS programme.


Cristina Giménez - ATÍPICSA student on the bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Cristina Giménez, has been selected as one of twenty ATYPICAL entrepreneurs, the programme aimed at young people with the desire to carry out a project that has a positive impact on society. In her project “Doctors-Engineers”, the student proposes promoting innovation in hospitals through the creation of a virtual platform that brings the world of engineering closer to the world of healthcare.

“My goal is to improve healthcare innovation in hospitals and make it accessible to all those who wish to participate”, says the future biomedical engineer, who is currently doing the third year of the bachelor’s degree. To fulfil her mission, Giménez is developing a website to give visibility to the challenges and the latest developments in healthcare innovation, so that doctors, engineers and students can establish links and new partnerships.

“During my degree I’ve noticed that many people in the healthcare sector have very interesting ideas, but as they need help from engineers, they never develop them. I would like to get the ideas, projects and proposals coming from doctors, hospitals and healthcare companies to reach young and not so young people, who are capable of developing them and who want to forge ahead with projects that have a positive impact on hospitals”.

The platform will allow direct contact between people in the healthcare sector who have innovation projects in mind and those who can implement them, encouraging the creation of a community in the healthcare sector that includes doctors, biomedical engineers, biotechnologists, etc. In addition, it will also include a news channel which will publish the latest news in health-related matters and that gives voice to those initiatives arising from the collaboration between physicians and other professionals. As part of the initiative, Giménez is seeking to provide the platform with a space in which enterprises can pose new challenges to the community and find solutions to new shortcomings.

ATÍPICS is a totally free 7-month support programme valued at more than €18,000, which aims to help young entrepreneurs in Catalonia to build solid projects and get them up-and-running with the highest guarantees of success. The initiative supports ideas of any field and size, always prioritizing candidates who submit ideas that pursue viability and a positive impact.



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