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UPF researchers to promote research in multilingual surveys as part of a European open science project

Diana Zavala-Rojas, a member of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, is the principal investigator of the SSHOC project at UPF, one of the 47 institutions involved.



Researchers of the European Social Survey ERIC of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at UPF are leading a multidisciplinary research project to improve research in multilingual surveys as part of the European Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project.

The SSHOC project, which has received European Commission funding within the INFRA-EOSC-2018 call of the Horizon 2020 programme, was launched on 1 January 2019 and is expected to last until April 2022. Forty-seven organizations are involved, including UPF, and it is coordinated by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, CESSDA.

One of the objectives of the SSHOC project is to interconnect the existing and new infrastructures in the field of the social sciences and humanities within the European Research Infrastructure Consortium.

The SSHOC project, which has received total funding of 14.5 million euros, has five main goals: first, to develop the social sciences and humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a European Commission project that aims to provide a repository of public data adapted to the values of open science; second, to interconnect the existing and new infrastructures in the field of the social sciences and humanities within the European Research Infrastructure Consortium, ERIC.

The three remaining goals are to maximize the reuse of services and data through the Open Science application and the monitoring of the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse) principles in data management, and finally, to establish an appropriate governance model within the EOSC.

Participation by UPF in the SSHOC project

Diana Zavala-Rojas, principal investigator of the SSHOC project at UPF, summarizes how the University will participate: “International survey projects are multilingual in nature, and the areas of research in cognitive translation, computational linguistics and natural language processing have allowed progressing in the way translation is carried out. In this project we aim to establish the basis for developing multilingual survey projects to improve their translation procedures”.

Diana Zavala-Rojas, who will be working in the project with RECSM researchers  Begüm DereliMelanie RevillaHannah SchwartzDanielly SoratoWiebke Weber and Lidun Hareide (Møreforsking Molde, Noruega), specifies the improvements the University aims to promote: “We will produce data to analyse texts of questionnaires from a quantitative perspective; we will explore translation technologies and develop protocols to steer the transition of survey projects from human translation to more technological procedures; and finally, we will analyse the implementation of cutting-edge methodologies in the translation of surveys, based on experimental research, for example, with machine translation”.

In addition to considering FAIR’s principles of data interoperability, all of the entities involved in the SSHOC project will take into account the importance of providing the results of their research in open access, and are committed to transparency in their research practices throughout the different stages of the project.

Thus, SSHOC will bring together, harmonize and produce user-friendly tools that enable processing, enriching, analysing and comparing the extensive collections of heterogeneous data available in the field of social sciences and the humanities.


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