+RAIN Film Festival. International Festival of Film and Artificial Intelligence

2nd edition, from June 11 to 14

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UPF launches its body-to-science donation program

Using the message 'Thanks to you' as a slogan, the University wants to thank the donors for this altruistic act that allows to guarantee the high quality teaching of the degree in Medicine at UPF.

Read the news Body-to-science donation program

If you are 50 or older and want to update, stay up to date and learn, this is your program. Come to UPFSenior!

Registration open from June 3 to 28

Pompeu Fabra University awards an honorary doctorate to the feminist and climate change activist, Vandana Shiva

Pompeu Fabra University awards an honorary doctorate to the feminist and climate change activist, Vandana Shiva

The university's highest distinction has been awarded in recognition of its academic contribution and eco-feminist and pacifist activism.

Angela Davis at UPF: “Creating knowledge makes no sense if it does not serve to improve people’s lives”

Angela Davis at UPF: “Creating knowledge makes no sense if it does not serve to improve people’s lives”

The activist talks to the journalist Mònica Terribas at the tribute by the University to its honorary doctor

Back European project and US initiative join in achieving more efficient toxicity risk assessment

European project and US initiative join in achieving more efficient toxicity risk assessment

EU-ToxRisk and Tox21 collaborate on efforts to reduce the use of animals and achieve more efficient chemical safety assessments. The European part of the collaboration, EU-ToxRisk, counts with the Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) among its partners.


The EU-ToxRisk project and the Toxicology in the 21st Century (Tox21) initiative in the US have agreed to collaborate on efforts to reduce the use of animals and achieve more efficient chemical safety assessments. A total of 28 representatives from both projects gathered in a workshop held in Mainz (Germany) on September 2016 to initiate collaboration across areas of mutual interest within the field of risk assessment.


Andy White (Unilever), partner of EU-ToxRisk and chair of the workshop, said: “This workshop marks the start of what is expected to be a fruitful collaboration between EU-ToxRisk and the ongoing American efforts in Tox21 and ToxCast. This collaboration will help to strengthen communication between both sides with the objective to foster synergies to accelerate the shift in toxicology towards a new mechanism-based chemical safety testing strategy. On both sides of the Atlantic, there is a drive to enhance scientific capabilities to improve safety assessment approaches based on alternatives to animal testing.” Richard Paules (National Toxicology Program), from the Tox21 initiative, added: “We had very productive discussions about the similarities and differences in the US and European approaches. We are looking forward to collaborating with our international partners in many areas, including transcriptomic strategies, toxicodynamics, toxicokinetics and computational approaches.”

The workshop, organised at the behest of the EU-ToxRisk project following the initiatives of the EUToxRisk Coordinator Bob van de Water (University of Leiden), features as a crucial part of the strategy implemented by the project to advance international cooperation on the topic of new approaches to chemical risk assessment. Exchange and cooperation with many likeminded international initiatives on approaches, data exchange and knowledge harmonisation within the field of alternative toxicity testing will help drive this field forward and evolve towards a new era of safety sciences to the benefit of citizens worldwide.

"The Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) participates in the EU-ToxRisk project coordinating the application of computational methods, and therefore will play a major role in this collaboration”, says Manuel Pastor, leader of the PharmacoInformatics group and partner at the EU-ToxRisk. “In particular, the GRIB will participate in the joint development and validation of core methodologies for hazard and risk assessment, as read-across, quantitative AOP and similarity metrics.”

Sobre els projectes EU-ToxRisk i Tox21

EU-ToxRisk és un projecte europeu líder en avaluar el risc i toxicitat de l'exposició a medicaments i productes químics del segle XXI. Es tracta d'un projecte de col·laboració europeu finançat en el marc del Programa de Recerca i Innovació, Horitzó 2020. Amb 39 organitzacions associades i un pressupost de més de 30 milions d'euros, el projecte es va iniciar l'1 de gener de 2016 i tindrà una durada de 6 anys. Entre els seus col·laboradors es troba el Programa d'Informàtica Biomèdica (GRIB), programa conjunt entre l'Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) i el Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut (DCEXS) de la UPF. La missió d'EU-ToxRisk és conduir el canvi de paradigma cap a assajos toxicològics sense experimentació animal, per tal d'obtenir una avaluació toxicològica basada en les respostes de cèl·lules humanes i comprendre el mecanisme integral dels efectes adversos produïts per substàncies químiques. Aquests nous mètodes de prova basats en el mecanisme s'integraran en protocols de proves estandarditzats, adaptats al marc regulador i a la seva aplicació industrial.

Toxicology in the 21st Century (Tox21) és la col·laboració federal entre l'Agència de Protecció Ambiental d'Estats Units, els Instituts Nacionals de Salut (NIH) i l'Administració d'Aliments i Medicaments dels Estats Units (FDA). Els investigadors de Tox21 tenen com a objectiu millorar els mètodes d'avaluació de la toxicitat per provar de forma ràpida i eficient si certs compostos químics tenen el potencial de pertorbar processos en el cos humà que poden donar lloc a efectes nocius per a la salut. Un gran esforç que implica l'ús d'un sistema de cribratge d'alt rendiment robòtic allotjat a NCATS per tal de provar aproximadament 10.000 substàncies químiques ambientals (coneguts com "Tox21 10K Library") pel seu potencial per alterar processos biològics que poden donar lloc a toxicitat.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
