"Civil rights and social justice", a conversation with Angela Davis and Mònica Terribas

May 27 at 11.30 a.m., in the auditorium of the Ciutadella campus

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Art and Spirituality. Conferences about art and spirituality in the work of Picasso, Tàpies and Miró

From 21 to 24 May 2024 at Pompeu Fabra University, the Antoni Tàpies Foundation, the Joan Miró Foundation and the Picasso Museum

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On 3 June, UPF is to invest the physicist, philosopher and activist Vandana Shiva honoris causa

On 3 June, UPF is to invest the physicist, philosopher and activist Vandana Shiva honoris causa

UPF will be awarding its highest distinction to Shiva, a physicist and a doctor of Philosophy from the University of Western Ontario, in recognition of her academic contribution to fields such as intellectual property rights, biodiversity, biotechnology, bioethics and genetic engineering. The event will be held on the Ciutadella campus and the laudatory speech for the ecofeminist activist will be given by the full professor of Ethics and Political Economy of Communication of the Department of Communication, Núria Almiron.

Xavier Amatriain, doctor in engineering from the UPF and AI expert: "It will soon be unthinkable to work without artificial intelligence"

Xavier Amatriain, doctor in engineering from the UPF and AI expert: "It will soon be unthinkable to work without artificial intelligence"

Xavier Amatriain, a renowned telecommunications engineer and AI expert, has spent much of his career in Silicon Valley, USA, and is currently vice-president of Product AI Strategy at Google. On 21 May he will return to the UPF, where he obtained his doctorate in Information and Communications Technologies in 2005. He will give a talk during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Engineering studies at the UPF.

Back The MTG is co-organizing the Sónar Innovation Challenge, the professional section of the festival

The MTG is co-organizing the Sónar Innovation Challenge, the professional section of the festival

As part of Sónar+D, from 17 to 19 July, the Sónar Innovation Challenge is being held in Barcelona, coordinated by the Music Technology research group of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, which has just celebrated its 25th anniversary.


Imatge inicial

Barcelona is hosting a new edition of Sónar+D Creativity, Technology and Business from 17 to 20 July. Within this space, as in previous years, the Music Technology research group (MTG) of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) at UPF is co-organizing the Sónar Innovation Challenge from 17 to 19 July, a space that fosters collaboration between innovative technology companies and the creative community (programmers, designers, artists) to produce descriptive prototypes through challenges that can be approached from a technical and/or from an artistic perspective.

The sound of diversity

The goal of this challenge is to devise and implement a prototype that, given a set of data for a group of people (such as an organization, city, country or company), produces a soundscape or a musical identity that represents its diversity.

Personalizing physical spaces using social data

Personalization is a ubiquitous process in modern life. Our personal data are analysed to adapt digital content to our needs and desires, and to do so non-intrusively and ethically is a delicate task. This challenge proposes applying the same process to the physical spaces we live in and with which we interact daily.

Design the future of digital music services

The goal of this proposal is to design the future of digital music services using emerging technologies and consumer behavioural trends. The team must present a detailed vision of the future user experience for digital music services.

Affective computing for learning through games

The participant is challenged to create a game with an agent that detects affective states and adaptable free content in real time.

More information on the website: https://sonarplusd.com/ca/programs/barcelona-2019/areas/sonar-d-innovation-challenge

25 years researching music technology in Barcelona

In this talk, on Wednesday 17 July from 6:30 pm to 7:10 pm, Perfecto Herrera, a researcher of the Music Technology Group (MTG) will be taking a look at the history of and the work carried out by the MTG at UPF. Herrero’s preview states that: “the talk will be an exciting story of the challenges, successes and failures of a group of visionaries, scholars and crazy men and women (crazy about music, art, science, humans and technology), which began in a dark, lonely basement of a museum and became one of the world references for research in music technology”. The talk will involve the presentation of various demonstrations of prototypes and details will be revealed about research topics involving performers, composers and listeners.

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SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF


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