Hansen, Nele
Nele Hansen has a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB, Spain). She graduated in Communication Science at the University of Erfurt (Germany) and realized a Master in Latin American Studies (University of Barcelona) as well as a Master in “Ethnographic research and anthropological theory” (UAB). In her doctoral thesis she analysed youth worlds of young descendants of Ecuadorian and Dominican families in Barcelona. The methodological part and ethical reflections assumed a key element in the research and implied innovative and interactive research techniques, such as mental maps, the guided tour of the neighbourhood or the analysis of personal networks. She is member of the research group JOVIS.com, being her main academic interests youth, migration and Latin America. Apart from her implication in TRANSGANG, she participates as an ethnographer in the ongoing research projects SLYMS, AJOVE and CHIEF. In 2014 she was a visiting researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Ecuador, having been awarded with the Ibero American Scholarship for Young Professors and Researchers 2014 (Banco Santander).