2 Research Assistants on "Preventing school failure of migrant students via a whole-school narrative intervention" (TRAD-PSR-2024-24)
2 Research Assistants on "Preventing school failure of migrant students via a whole-school narrative intervention" (TRAD-PSR-2024-24)
2 Research Assistants on "Preventing school failure of migrant students via a whole-school narrative intervention" (TRAD-PSR-2024-24)
- 15/11/2024 Publicació de l'oferta
- 28/11/2024 Fi de termini de presentació de candidatures
- 05/12/2024 Relació provisional de persones admeses i excloses
- 18/12/2024 Proposta de provisió
- 13/01/2025 Segona proposta de provisió