Vés enrere 12/11/2021 Workshop UR-Ling 2021

12/11/2021 Workshop UR-Ling 2021

Dia: divendres 12 de novembre del 2021
Horari: de 9.30 h a 14.00 h
Lloc: sala de conferències 55.309  - 3a planta edifici 55. Tanger - Campus del Poblenou

Enllaç: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89051667047?pwd=SU5XLzcwTnBOMW9vUkwxT0ptR2Nadz09

Meeting ID: 890 5166 7047 Passcode: 534791

Programa 2021:
Ur-Ling 2021 Titles
9:30-10:00 Roberto Dessi (COLT) Interpretable Agent Communication from Scratch
10:00-10:30 Xixian Liao (GLiF) Referent predictability and referential form
10:30-11:00 Yuan Zhang (GrEP) Effects of musical activities and musical training on L2 pronunciation skills
11:00-11:30 Rut Benito (ALLENCAM) Language contact in Catalan-Spanish bilinguals: effects on Differential Object Marking
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-12:20 Patrick Rohrer (GrEP) The Multimodal marking of Information Structure in English Ted Talks
12:20-12:50 Han Zhang (GraC) Temporal overlap between gestures and speech in post-stroke aphasia: Is there a compensatory effect?
12:50-13:20 Aida Villaécija (GLiF) Reduplication as a derivative process in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)
13:20-13:50 Andreana Pastena (ALLENCAM) The development of transcultural competence in a multicultural and multilingual university classroom: A case study from a social interaction perspective
13:50- Dinar

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