If you are a student on an Erasmus programme at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sicences or if you are studying under a bilateral agreement, below you will find all the information and useful links for enrolling on courses.
If you are a student on an Erasmus programme at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sicences or if you are studying under a bilateral agreement, below you will find all the information and useful links for enrolling on courses.
Those studying in the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation at the UPF may choose subjects in:
The Faculty's own degrees: «Translation and Interpretation» and «Applied Languages».
In addition students have the opportunity to choose further languages courses offered by the University language teaching department (Idiomes UPF) as well as subjects in other UPF faculties.
Enrolment in certain subjects is dependent on students' knowledge of Spanish. The level of Spanish is determined by the University's own assessment test which is taken before students enrol.
Students are grouped according to the level of their Spanish Language Knowledge:
The specific content in the Spanish Language courses will depend on the needs detected by the teacher at the beginning of each course and will therefore vary slightly each course and in each class. To give an overview, the content in language classes matches the following levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
Subject |
CEFR Level |
Spanish Language: Intermediate |
A2- B1.1; B1.2 |
Spanish Language: Advanced |
B2.1- B2.2 |
Spanish Language: Superior |
B2+, C1 |
There are no courses available for students who have no previous Spanish language knowledge or whose knowledge is below level A2 (basic user).
The organization of teaching depends on the number of credits for the subject:
Courses in the Faculty are split between two types of weekly sessions: a Large Group session (G) and a Seminar session (S)
Each academic year is divided into three terms. During the first week of each term there will only be Large Group (G) classes. Seminar (S) classes start in the second week.
It is very important to keep in mind that the information on the teaching language of the non-specific subjects of the program "Lenguas y Culturas en la España Actual" is orientative and may vary each year depending on the professor who teaches the subject. It is therefore necessary that, before enrolling in a course, you consult the teaching plans (planes docentes) available on this website and the incoming academic tutor.
The timetables for all the subjects can be found on the following web page.
The academic year in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra is divided into three terms, each lasting 12 weeks: 10 weeks of teaching and 2 weeks for exams. The academic calendar can be found on:
Exchange students in the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation must ensure that their stay coincides with the University terms. Under no circumstances may students join a subject after the third week of each term.
Name |
Telephone |
Coordinator |
Joan COSTA |
935 422 245 |
Roc Boronat (53.412) |
Maria WIRF |
935 422 412 |
Roc Boronat (53.412) |
French |
Guilhem NARO |
935 422 245 |
Roc Boronat (53.412) |
English |
Paula Igareda |
Online tutorials |
Bear in mind that the course enrolment will be completely online.
The OMA office will be sending the enrolment instructions via email, so make sure to check your email inbox regularly.
Enrolment dates:
During the add&drop period you may change your preliminary course selection.