Several papers by TIDE_UPF presented at ECTEL 2019
Several papers by TIDE_UPF presented at ECTEL 2019
Several papers, posters and demos by TIDE_UPF has been presented this week at the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2019
- Albó, L., Barria-Pineda, J., Brusilovsky P., Hernández-Leo, D., (2019) Concept-level design analytics for blended courses, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 11277, pp. 541-554.
- Beardsley, M., Vujovic, M., Portero-Tresserra, M., Hernández-Leo, D., (2019) ClassMood App: a classroom orchestration tool for identifying and influencing student moods, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 11277, pp. 723-726.
- Amarasinghe, I., and Hernández-Leo, D., (2019) Adaptive Orchestration of Scripted Collaborative Learning in MOOCs, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 11277, pp. 591-594.
- Vujovic, M., Tassani, S., Hernández-Leo, D., (2019) Motion capture as an instrument in multimodal collaborative learning analytics, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 11277, pp. 604-608.
- Theophilou, E., Guxens, A., Karageorgiev, D., Beardsley, M., Santos P., Hernández-Leo, D., (2019) Soéle: a tool for teachers to evaluate social awareness in their learning designs, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 11277, pp. 761-764.