Laia Albó was awarded with the Archimedes foundation fellowship and visited Tallinn University
Laia Albó was awarded with the Archimedes foundation fellowship and visited Tallinn University
Laia Albó visited the School of Educational Sciences at Tallinn University (Estonia) for 3 months (between March 22nd and June 22nd). During the research stay, she took part in ILLUMINE and DETEL research projects, attended weekly meetings of TEL’s research group, as well as several meetings with TLU’s researchers (María Jesús Rodríguez Triana, Luis Pablo Prieto Santos, Merike Saar, Pankaj Chejara and Mahesha de Silva) and participated in four TLU seminars (Manisha Khulbe’s Supporting teachers in understanding students' engagement data; Terje Väljataga’s Outdoor learning; Game-based Learning Group and Päivi Kousa’s AI in Education). The research stay was funded by the National scholarship programme for international students, researchers and academic staff for the academic year 2020/2021 of the Archimedes Foundation