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New paper in BJET "Analytics for learning design: A layered framework and tools"



This is a joint publication with colleagues about data analytics that can support educators when designing for learning. Davinia formulated the framework when she was visiting The University of Sydney. Conversations with colleagues were a very enriching experience in this effort, as well as the joint work about how our different projects could be described with the framework. Now we are using the AL4LD (Analytics Layers for Learning Design) framework is to articulate our current research, see CoT and MdM-EDS projects.

Hernández-Leo, D., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J. A., & Rodríguez-Triana, M. J.. (in press) Analytics for learning design: A layered framework and tools, British Journal of Educational Technology. Sharable version available.

Abstract: The field of learning design studies how to support teachers in devising suitable activities for their students to learn. The field of learning analytics explores how data about students’ interactions can be used to increase the understanding of learning experiences. Despite its clear synergy, there is only limited and fragmented work exploring the active role that data analytics can play in supporting design for learning. This paper builds on previous research to propose a framework (AL4LD) that articulates three layers of data analytics – learning analytics, design analytics and community analytics - to support informed decision-making in learning design. Additionally, a set of tools and experiences are described to illustrate how the different data analytics perspectives proposed by the framework can support learning design processes.



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