Text Simplification for English
Text Simplification technologies
Text simplification is the process of transforming a text into an equivalent which is more understandable for a target population. Simplified texts are appropriate for many groups of readers, such as language learners, elderly persons and people with other special reading and comprehension needs. TALN-UPFgroup develops robust natural language processing technology to produce simplified versions of documents at both syntactic and lexical levels.
Daniel Ferrés, Montserrat Marimon, Horacio Saggion, Ahmed AbuRa’ed
YATS: Yet Another Text Simplifier.
NLDB (2016) [PDF] [BibTeX]
Daniel Ferrés, Montserrat Marimon, Horacio Saggion
A Web-based Text Simplification System for English.
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 55: 191-194 (2015). [PDF] [BibTeX]