Resolution by the rector of 10th March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the general manager
The Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University, principally Articles 57 and 58, establish the functions of the general manager. Article 58 g) establishes that in addition to those assigned, s/he will have those assigned or delegated by other bodies.
For the purpose of a better distribution of roles and responsibilities, there is a need to establish an allocation of responsibilities to the general manager as well as the roles delegated to him/her by the rector.
Thus, by virtue of Articles 52 and 58 of the Pompeu Fabra University Statutes, and in view of the laws governing administrative procedure and the legal regime applicable to the University,
Article 1. In addition to the powers granted to him/her by Articles 57 and 58 of the Pompeu Fabra University Statutes, the general manager shall;
Concerning the management of PDI:
- Inform the competent educational administration as to the hiring of teaching staff for the purposes of staff registration.
- Grant service fees for attending thesis readings, teaching staff access contests and other similar activities organized by other universities or authorities, and request from other universities those of their teaching staff.
- Authorize the leave, absence of leave and holidays to which teaching staff are entitled under current legislation.
- Decide upon the recognition of three-yearly salary increments and prior services to the Administration.
- Authorize the payment of compensation for travel and initial relocation expenses foreseen.
Concerning property management:
- Represent the University relating to the necessary administrative actions required for obtaining licences and the management of planning instruments before Barcelona City Council and, if appropriate, before the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, relating to the physical location of the University.
- Enter into contracts for the rental of premises.
- Enter into contracts for the rental of general equipment and the purchase of software licences.
- Sign agreements or contracts for the management of university residences.
- Enter into contracts for the transfer of exploitation rights for teaching materials.
- Authorize or grant the use public domain property.
More generally speaking:
- The University’s institutional planning and administrative organization
- The policy on material resources, information systems and electronic administration
- Occupational hazards prevention
- Sign agreements or contracts with third parties in which benefits are specifically agreed to for the university community and the promotion of university extension, cultural, sports, recreational and similar activities.
- Enter into sponsorship and fund-raising agreements
- Sign sponsorship contracts.
Article 2. The following responsibilities of the rector are delegated to the general manager:
Concerning PDI:
- Enter into contracts signed under Article 83 of the Universities Act whose purpose is to commission UPF lecturers with training activities in specialized teachings or specific training activities.
Concerning matters of the administration and services staff.
- Appoint temporary officers of the administration and services staff.
- Sign the contracts of temporary administration and services staff, with the exception of senior management contracts, and declare their termination.
- Declare administrative situations, barring the suspension of employment, of PAS.
- Fast-track initiation, processing and decisions concerning PAS disciplinary proceedings.
- Issue all standard instruments and decisions concerning applications for staff positions, except those of calls.
Concerning economic and financial matters:
- Authorize, provide and acknowledge the duty and order the payment of expenses relating to Chapter I referring to UPF staff.
- The economic and financial powers to authorize, provide, acknowledge duties and order the payment of all other expenditure.
- Sign or authorize online bank transfers, cheques or any other means of payment of the expenditure referred to above.
- Authorize the following amendments to credits:
- Extension and generation of credits.
- Credit transfers for which responsibility is attributed to the rector by the bases for the implementation of the UPF budget.
- Cancellation of loans.
- Incorporation of the balance of liquid assets and liabilities
- Authorize requests to defer and split payments of debts.
- Decide upon cases of refund of income, including decisions upon claims on public prices.
- Sign credit assignments.
Concerning administrative procurement:
- All actions attributed by the legislation dealing with public sector contracts to the rector as the contracting body in contracts with an estimated value equal to or less than 2,000,000.00 euros.
- Adherence to central procurement boards and the contracts that these central procurement boards open for tender, as well as agree on the modification and termination of such adherence.
- Sign joint procurement agreements with other contracting bodies or central procurement boards.
- Assignments to in-house procurement and the approval of the fees/rates applicable to such assignments.
- The mandate is granted to the manager so that, by delegation of the rector, s/he may represent the University in the following actions:
- The signing of contracts whereby the University undertakes to deliver movable property, rights or provide some service.
- The signing of concession contracts on public domain assets and the exploitation of patrimonial assets, as well as lease contracts and other similar legal transactions on real estate, negotiable securities and intangible properties, in which the University acts as lessee or assignee.
More generally speaking:
- Chair the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
- Sign institutional agreements with other public and private bodies and entities in the scope of his/her responsibilities, unless signature thereof is reserved for the rector.
- The application for grants or subsidies on behalf of the University before public or private bodies within the scope of their responsibilities, and the resulting documents.
Article 3. Requirements for resolutions issued by delegation
Administrative decisions adopted pursuant to this delegation shall be deemed to have been issued by the rector and therefore shall exhaust the path of administrative recourse. The delegated powers include issuing the certificate of administrative silence and the decision of those appeals lodged against acts issued by delegation. The documents issued shall bear in the signature the words “by delegation” abbreviated to “p.d.”, followed by the rank and the date of the decision.
The powers delegated by this decision may be advocated by the rector for his/her knowledge and for the decision of those matters he/she may deem appropriate in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal system and procedure for the public administrations in Catalonia and Article 10 of Law 40/2015, on the legal regime of the public sector.
Sole repealing provision.
The Resolution by the rector, of 31 May 2021, on the delegation of powers to the general manager is repealed
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona, 10th of March 2023