Resolution of the Board of Governors of 27 April 2022

Proceedings initiated prior to the entry into force of this Protocol shall be governed by the Protocol for preventing and resolving conflicts involving gender-based violence, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, approved by resolution of the Board of Governors on 11 April 2018.

By means of the 11 April 2018 resolution, the Board of Governors approved the Protocol for preventing and resolving conflicts involving gender-based violence, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia with the aim of establishing the criteria and procedures for dealing with conduct perceived as discriminatory, violent, sexually harassing, or harassing on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, provided one of the parties involved is a member of the UPF university community.

On 22 December 2020, the Catalan Parliament passed Law 17/2020, amending Law 5/2008, of 24 April 2008, on the right of women to eradicate gender-based violence, which establishes new forms of violence and new settings in which the conduct covered under this Protocol can occur.

On 24 February 2021, the Board of Governors approved the annex to the Pompeu Fabra University Code on Violent, Discriminatory and Harassing Behaviours, which sets out the principles of personal and professional performance that must govern interactions between members of the university community and with staff of contractors working on UPF premises.

Finally, on 24 February 2022, Spanish Law 3/2022, on university coexistence, was passed, which, amongst other things, regulates activities to prevent harassment and the specific procedures for dealing with complaints and reports, as well as victim support measures.

In view of these regulations, it was deemed appropriate to propose a new protocol incorporating these developments, expanding the scope to include situations of sexual harassment experienced by heterosexual men. This Protocol includes, for the first time, the procedure to be followed when such conduct occurs between members of the UPF university community and members of UPF-affiliated academic centres. Finally, it also establishes the procedure to be followed when this conduct takes place in the context of a curricular or extracurricular internship.


1. Purpose

The purpose of this protocol is:

a) To prevent the occurrence of situations of gender-based violence, sexual harassment, or harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression amongst members of the university community.

b) To establish guidelines for action in the event of a complaint or report related to the situations described in section 2 below; for investigating them and, where applicable, for initiating the necessary administrative proceedings to deal with them, taking precautionary measures or determining potential disciplinary liability.

c) To establish the measures of assistance, support and redress for the affected persons.

2. Definitions

2.1. Based on the conduct defined in Catalan Law 5/2008, of 24 April 2008, on the right of women to eradicate gender-based violence (as amended by Catalan Law 17/2020, of 22 December 2020), this protocol will be activated in the event of any of the following forms of gender-based violence, whether occurring on an occasional or repeated basis:

Physical violence: includes any act of force against a woman’s body that results in or risks causing her physical injury or harm.

Psychological violence: includes any conduct or omission that results in the devaluation or suffering of a woman as a result of threats, humiliation, degrading treatment, belittlement, disparagement, demands for obedience or submission, verbal coercion, insults, isolation or any other constraint placed on her freedom. Gender-based violence may also be carried out by threatening or causing physical or psychological violence to the people closest to the woman, especially her children or other family members who live with her or are directly related to her, when done with the intention of upsetting her. It likewise includes environmental violence, which consists of the exercise of violence against the woman’s possessions and property, whether of economic or sentimental value, or against animals with which she has a sentimental bond, for the purpose of upsetting her or creating an intimidating environment.

Sexual violence: includes any act that violates a woman’s sexual freedom or personal dignity by creating conditions or taking advantage of a context that, directly or indirectly, impose a sexual practice without her consent or against her will, regardless of the relationship between the woman and the aggressor or aggressors. This includes bodily access, genital mutilation or the risk of suffering it, forced marriage, trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual threats, flashing, observation, and the imposition of any sexual practice, amongst other conducts.

Digital violence: consists of acts of online gender-based violence and misogyny affecting the dignity and rights of women committed, instigated, amplified or aggravated, wholly or in part, by the use of information and communication technologies, social networking platforms, websites or forums, e-mail and instant messaging systems, and other similar media. These acts cause psychological and even physical harm; reinforce stereotypes; damage the woman’s dignity and reputation; violate her privacy and freedom of action; cause her economic losses; and hinder her political participation and freedom of expression.

Second-order violence: consists of physical or psychological violence, reprisals, humiliation and persecution of people who support victims of gender-based violence. It includes acts that impede the prevention, detection, care and recovery of women in situations of gender-based violence.

The intersection or concurrence of gender-based violence with other forms of discrimination, such as discrimination on grounds of origin, skin colour, religion, functional or psychological diversity, or sexual and gender diversity, is an aggravated and differentiated form of violence that must be taken into account in proceedings to prevent, address, provide support in and remedy these situations.

The following spheres in which gender-based violence may occur are particularly relevant in the university context:

Violence in the academic setting: any type of violence occurring in the academic setting between members of the educational community. It can occur between peers or between an adult and a minor or vice versa. It includes harassment and physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse. Some of these types of violence are based on gender or sexual identity.

Workplace violence: consists of physical, sexual, economic, digital or psychological violence that may occur in the public or private sphere during the workday or outside the workplace and the established work hours if it is work-related. It can take the following forms:

a) Harassment on grounds of sex: any unwanted verbal or physical conduct related to a woman’s sex or gender, carried out with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity, indemnity or working conditions of women for the fact of being women, creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, offensive or unpleasant environment that hinders their promotion, employment, access to management positions, remuneration and professional recognition on an equal footing with men.

b) Sexual harassment: any unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature carried out with the purpose or effect of violating a woman’s dignity and freedom or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, offensive or unpleasant environment for her.

c) Discrimination due to pregnancy or maternity: any unfavourable treatment of women related to pregnancy or maternity, existing or potential, entailing direct discrimination and a violation of their fundamental rights to health, physical and moral integrity, and work.

Violence in the institutional sphere: actions and omissions by the authorities, public staff and agents of any public body or institution for the purpose of delaying, obstructing or impeding access to public policies and the exercise of rights recognized under Law 5/2008, of 24 April 2008, to ensure a life free of gender-based violence, in accordance with the cases included in the applicable sectoral legislation. This violence may stem from a single serious act or practice, the repetition of acts or practices of a lesser scope that have a cumulative effect, a failure to act on knowledge of the existence of a real or imminent danger, and revictimizing practices or omissions.

2.2. Based on the definition of the conducts laid down in Catalan Law 11/2014, of 10 October 2014, to guarantee the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, this protocol will also be activated in the event of any of the following forms of LGBTI-phobia, whether occurring on an occasional or repeated basis:

Harassment on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression: any conduct based on a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression intended to or having the effect of violating that person’s dignity or physical or psychological integrity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, offensive or unpleasant environment for them.

2.3. Gender-based violence and harassment on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression also encompass any similar form of violence or harassment that harms or is likely to harm the dignity, integrity or freedom of women or LGBTI people, as provided for in the annex to the Pompeu Fabra University Code on Violent, Discriminatory and Harassing Behaviours, approved by resolution of the Board of Governors on 24 February 2021.

2.4. The protocol covers all situations of sexual harassment, irrespective of the gender identity or sexual orientation of the affected person and the aggressor.

3. Scope

3.1. Objective scope: any of the conducts listed in section 2 above occurring verbally, physically or digitally (via e-mail, social media, WhatsApp, etc.) within the scope of the university’s organization and/or provision of services, i.e. anywhere on campus or at a university facility or off campus, provided the conduct occurs in the context of an activity or service organized by UPF or is linked to a relationship arising from the professional or educational activity of the parties involved.

3.2. Subjective scope: members of the UPF university community, users of UPF facilities or services, staff of UPF’s external partner companies or contractors, and staff and students of any UPF-affiliated academic centre, other university or other type of school with some type of relationship with UPF or that collaborates with it.

This protocol will likewise apply if it has been less than one year since the person affected ceased to belong to the UPF university community, for whatever reason, provided the perpetrator or perpetrators of the conduct continue to belong to any of the groups listed in the previous paragraph and the reported events took place prior to the date on which the affected person ceased to be linked to the university.

3.3. In accordance with the obligations established for the coordination of corporate activities provided for under Spanish Law 31/1995, of 8 November 1995, on the prevention of occupational hazards, and Spanish Royal Decree 171/2004, of 30 January 2004, implementing Article 24 thereof, the university’s external suppliers of works and services will be informed of the existence of this protocol.

In the event of the occurrence of any of the conducts described in this protocol between university staff and staff from an external contractor or partner company, the parties will notify each other of the case, so that each one can apply its respective action protocol and take the corresponding corrective measures within its sphere of action. To this end, the Equality Unit will monitor the case until it is resolved.

3.4. UPF staff and students who participate in a mobility programme or agreement are obliged to comply with the laws of the host country regarding gender-based violence and homophobia, as well as the rules of the host university or organization in this area.

3.5. In the event of the occurrence of any of the conducts described in this protocol between UPF staff or students and staff or students from a UPF-affiliated academic centre, another university or any other type of school with some sort of relationship with UPF or that collaborates with it, the respective services of the parties specialized in equality policies will notify each other of the case so that the appropriate response mechanism can be activated. The institution to which the perpetrator belongs will be responsible for activating its protocol, investigating the facts and, where applicable, initiating disciplinary proceedings and taking the appropriate corrective measures. If the aggressor belongs to both institutions, the institution to which the affected person belongs will activate the mechanism. In all cases, the intervention of the UPF Equality Unit or the equivalent body at the other institution will be guaranteed in order to enable adequate assistance for its staff and students.

3.6. In the event of the occurrence of any of the conducts described in this protocol in the context of a curricular or extracurricular internship, the UPF protocol will apply when the student is the aggressor. If the student is the affected person and the company, agency or organization does not have a specific procedure, the present protocol will also apply; if the internship organization has an established procedure, it will implement it and ensure the intervention and support of the student by UPF at all times.


4. Bodies responsible for ensuring the protocol

With regard to the implementation of this protocol, the obligations are distributed amongst the bodies of this university as follows:

—As the highest university authority, the rector is the competent body to initiate and resolve the relevant administrative disciplinary proceedings in order to investigate and determine potential disciplinary liability, when there is evidence of the conducts described in this protocol.

—As a specialized service, the Equality Unit will manage the receipt of complaints or reports; it will assist, inform and interview the complainant or complainants; it will issue a preliminary report assessing the reported facts; it will follow up on any protective or disciplinary measures taken; it will provide support and assistance to the affected persons; and it will collaborate on the implementation of the preventive measures provided for in this protocol. It will also draw up and publish periodic reports on the number of interventions and the consequences thereof based on an internal database, which will include, anonymously and without reference to personal data, all information requests, complaints, actions and resolutions.

—The Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia will investigate cases in which the rector has decided to open an inquiry or preliminary proceedings and will draw up a report with its conclusions.

—The Office of the Deputy General Manager of the Human Resources and Organization Area, as well as the academic and management units, will proceed in accordance with the resolution issued by the rector, based on the conclusions and recommendations of the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia, and, together with the Equality Unit, will ensure that any precautionary, corrective and remedial measures are applied upon conclusion of the intervention.

—The Office of Organization and Development of the Human Resources Area, the Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge (CLIK) and the Equality Unit will take and promote, in their respective areas of responsibility, the appropriate measures to implement specific training programmes on prevention, detection and action in the face of violent, discriminatory or harassing conduct stemming from sexism or LGBTI-phobia within the academic and service staff and teaching and research staff training plans.

—All other university bodies, officials and authorities will:

Work to reduce and eliminate risk factors conducive to the occurrence of discriminatory, violent or harassing situations.
Be informed and trained to be able both to publicize the protocol and guarantee the processes and commitments it contains.
Ensure that employees and students are properly informed about their rights and the content of this protocol, as well as all related regulations and the applicable disciplinary regime.
Take, where necessary, any corrective or preventive measures that can be applied and are recommended by the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia with a view to acting in the detected situations and/or preventing the emergence of new cases.

—The remaining staff and students must be aware of and comply with this protocol. Should they become aware of any case covered by it, they will report it to the Equality Unit.

4.1. Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia

4.1.1. The Committee will consist of:

a) The vice-rector responsible for equality issues, or the person to whom he or she delegates this task, who will chair the Committee and have the casting vote.

b) A UPF employee, with expertise in dealing with the conducts covered under this protocol, proposed by the Gender Equality Policies Committee.

c) A student representative, to be proposed by the Student Council, when one of the persons affected is a member of the student body.

d) A representative of the teaching and research and/or administrative and service staff, who is also a prevention officer, to be appointed by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, when one of the parties involved in the incident is a member of either of these two groups.

e) The UPF equality officer (or the officer from the Unit replacing them), who will act as secretary.

f) The head of the UPF Equality Unit, who will participate in an advisory, non-voting capacity, except when he or she chairs the committee by delegation of the vice-rector responsible for equality issues.

In cases b) and c), two people belonging to different schools or services will be appointed in order to prevent possible conflicts of interest or other situations that might prevent them from participating, such as sick leave or unavailability. These people will be appointed by the rector, and the duration of the appointment will be four years for administrative and service staff and teaching and research staff and two years in the case of students, unless they cease to belong to the group they represent, in which case they will be replaced immediately. Appointments may be renewed one consecutive time. In cases b) and c), the Committee chair will decide who will participate depending on the circumstances of each case in order to avoid the aforementioned conflicts or situations.

The members of the Committee may seek the advice of external or internal third-party specialists in the specific subject matter of each case, who may participate in the discussions but will not be entitled to vote.

The Committee members will guarantee the confidentiality of the data and information obtained throughout the process.

4.1.2. The Committee’s procedures will be governed by the regulatory provisions of the legal regime for collective decision-making bodies under Catalan Law 26/2010, of 3 August 2010, on the legal and procedural regime for Catalan public bodies.


5. Preventive, information, training, detection and awareness-raising measures

The university will promote preventive, information, training, detection and awareness-raising actions with regard to gender-based violence, sexual harassment, and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression with the aim of eradicating such conducts from the university environment completely and raising awareness amongst the university community. These measures will be taken within the UPF Equality Plan and will be promoted by the Equality Unit, with the collaboration of the university’s other units and services.

To this end, the following measures are proposed:

5.1. Primary preventive measures:

a) Development of a communication plan to ensure that all members of the university community are familiar with this protocol, providing translations in all of UPF’s official languages. The main channels to be used to publicize it are:

a)[KF1]  The University’s website.

b) The Equality Unit and Technical Office for Occupational Hazard Prevention and Health Promotion website.

c) The intranet and mailing lists.

d) The university’s internal newsletters.

e) Onboarding handbooks and administrative and service staff and teaching and research staff guides.

f) Student folder.

g) Union sections.

b) Conducting of regular information and awareness-raising campaigns, aimed at the entire university community:

—Preparation of informative documents on the university’s commitment to achieving a campus free of these conducts, the Code of Conduct, rights and duties, responsibilities, and the consequences of breaching the Protocol.

—Provision of information about the Protocol and the support and assistance resources that the Equality Unit offers to new administrative and service staff and teaching and research staff at the university, and inclusion of specific content on this subject at welcome sessions and in the activities for new students enrolling on bachelor’s and postgraduate degree programmes.

—Organization of annual conferences and campaigns.

5.2. Secondary preventive measures:

a) Develop and disseminate codes of good professional practices (for both teaching and research staff and administrative and service staff) and good academic practices (for students).

b) Implement training programmes on gender equality, sexual diversity and non-discrimination and on prevention and detection of the conduct covered under this protocol within the training plans for academic and service staff and for teaching and research staff, and schedule specific courses for people responsible for management and team leadership tasks and all employee representatives.

c) Implement a specific training programme for preventing, detecting and acting against sexist and LGBTI-phobic aggressions that might occur at student parties, aimed at the Student Council and the university’s student associations.

d) Implement a specific training programme for members of the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia and other people who might be involved in conducting the proceedings.

e) Periodically collect information on the prevalence of situations of violence covered under this protocol using surveys or other qualitative techniques and create an internal database containing all information requests, complaints, actions and resolutions anonymously and without reference to personal data.

f) Include in the terms and conditions of contracts with external companies specific provisions on the obligation to have a protocol for preventing conduct involving sexual harassment, gender-based violence or LGBTI-phobia.

g) Include a provision on the conducts covered under this protocol in internship agreements.

h) Ensure that the name-change procedure for trans people works smoothly and that the felt name is used in all processes that depend on the university, including electoral rolls.


6. Action in the event of a complaint or report

6.1. Principles

—Hearing both sides. The hearing and defence of all parties involved must be guaranteed, and they may be accompanied by whomever they deem fit, including social actors and/or legal advisers.

—Protection of the privacy and dignity of the parties involved, including the people who are reported, ensuring support throughout the process.

—Confidentiality, including the related documentation. The obligation of confidentiality extends to all people involved in the process, whether as witnesses or as members of the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia, who will have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

—Diligence and dispatch. The entire process must be carried out as quickly as possible, without undue delay and with respect for the rights of each of the people involved.

—No person who files a complaint about or reports any of the situations described in this protocol (whether as the affected person or a witness) or who participates in the process should suffer retaliation.

6.2. Rights of the parties involved in the cases covered under this protocol

a) Rights of the affected persons:

—To be summoned and heard, avoiding revictimization.

—To be accompanied by a trusted person and/or legal counsel and an interpreter, where necessary.

—To receive information about the protective measures taken.

—To receive information on the status of the proceedings and their outcome (closing of the preliminary proceedings or initiation of disciplinary proceedings).

—To receive psychological assistance and other support measures provided by the Equality Unit.

b) Rights of the accused:

—To be informed of the complaint or report and be summoned and heard.

—To respect for the presumption of innocence.

—To be accompanied by a trusted person and/or legal counsel and an interpreter, where necessary.

—To be notified of any precautionary protective measures taken.

—To be notified of the final outcome of the proceedings.

—Those inherent to his or her status as an interested party should disciplinary proceedings be initiated.

6.3. Initiation of the proceedings

Nonworking days

For the purposes of this protocol, holiday periods agreed by the university will be considered nonworking days.

6.3.1. When a person considers there to be possible evidence of any of the conducts provided for under section 2 above, he or she may file a complaint or report in writing or orally:

—Orally, the complaint or report must be filed with the Equality Unit. The equality officer will make a record of the information provided.

—In writing, the complaint or report, addressed to the Equality Unit, may be filed at any of the university’s General Registry offices. It may also be filed at any of the places listed in the applicable regulations of the common administrative procedure.

If the complaint or report is filed with any other authority, service or academic or administrative unit, it will be forwarded to the Equality Unit.

The complaint or report must include, at least: the identity of the complainant, including his or her name, surname(s) and ID document number (Spanish ID card (DNI) or passport); if the complainant is not the affected person, the identity of the affected person, including his or her name, surname(s) and status (student, teaching staff, etc.), where applicable; the identity of the perpetrator, including his or her name, surname(s) and status (student, teaching staff, etc.), where applicable; a detailed account of the situation the affected party or parties are experiencing or have experienced and the specific actions to which they have been subjected, as well as any evidence that the parties involved may have, where applicable; the date of the written complaint; and the filer’s signature. The facts should be stated, as far as possible, in an account with well-established dates and places, making the offensive content clear and identifying any witnesses, where applicable and where known, with their name, surname(s) and status (student, teaching staff, etc.).

The Equality Unit will provide complainants with a standardized form, which will be available on its website.

6.3.2. Within a maximum period of five working days from the time the complaint or report is received by the Equality Unit, the equality officer will interview the complainant in a suitable location to ensure the necessary confidentiality.

Over the course of the interview, the reported information will be confirmed or expanded upon. The complainant or complainants will also be provided with the necessary advice and guidance.

6.3.3. Within a maximum period of five working days from the time of the interview, where necessary, or from the time the complaint is filed, the equality officer will issue a preliminary technical report assessing the nature and scope of the reported conduct.

6.3.4. If, in accordance with the preliminary technical report, insufficient evidence is found to warrant the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, the head of the Equality Unit will submit the preliminary technical report to the rector so that, based on the report, he or she may decide to open an inquiry or preliminary proceedings to better ascertain the circumstances of the specific case and whether to initiate disciplinary proceedings or close the complaint for lack of sufficient evidence.

If, in accordance with the preliminary technical report, sufficient evidence is found to warrant the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, the head of the Equality Unit will submit the preliminary technical report to the rector so that, based on the report, he or she may decide whether to open an inquiry or preliminary proceedings to better ascertain the circumstances of the specific case, initiate disciplinary proceedings if the perpetrator belongs to the UPF university community or close the complaint.

The rector’s decision must be issued within ten working days and must be communicated to the Equality Unit in all cases, as well as to the complainant or complainants, when the rules governing the disciplinary proceedings so provide.


6.4. Inquiry or preliminary proceedings

6.4.1. Should the rector decide to open an inquiry or preliminary proceedings, the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia, in accordance with the terms of section 4 above, will be the body responsible for conducting these preliminary proceedings, aimed at verifying, as accurately as possible, any facts that might warrant the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, the identity of the possible perpetrator or perpetrators and the relevant circumstances of each one.

6.4.2. The Committee will meet within a maximum period of ten working days from the time it is notified of the opening of the inquiry or preliminary proceedings and will appoint one of its members to conduct the actions required for the investigation, reporting to the Committee in the established terms. This person may seek the assistance of internal and/or external advisors. 

These preliminary actions will be conducted as quickly as possible in keeping with the specific nature of the facts and may never take more than one month from the notification of the opening of the inquiry.  

The person chairing the Committee will be the one to call it to meeting.

6.4.3. The person responsible for overseeing the preliminary proceedings will carry out all necessary actions. All members of the university community are obliged to cooperate with the investigating body and provide such information as may be requested during the investigation process. To this end, where applicable, technical reports may be requested and used.

6.4.4. Once the preliminary proceedings have been completed, the equality officer, as secretary of the Committee, will submit a report on the conclusions to the rector, containing, at least, the following points:

—A list of the names of the Committee members issuing the report and the identities of the person who conducted the proceedings and the parties involved.

—Background: complaint or report and attendant circumstances.

—Witness statements, evidence and reports obtained in the context of the preliminary proceedings.

—Conclusions and measures proposed, in coordination with the units and bodies involved in the support of the affected persons.

6.4.5. In consideration of the report on the conclusions of the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia, the rector may:

a) When the alleged perpetrator of the conduct is a member of the UPF university community:

—Close the proceedings for lack of sufficient evidence of the existence of a conduct subject to disciplinary sanction, without prejudice to the possible approval of the corrective and protective measures proposed by the Committee for the benefit of the person affected, such as scheduling or group changes, rearrangement of workstations, etc.; or

—Initiate disciplinary proceedings when a conduct subject to disciplinary sanction is found to exist.

b) When the alleged perpetrator is a user of UPF facilities or services, the measures considered appropriate in each case may be adopted.


7. Disciplinary proceedings

7.1. Should the rector initiate disciplinary proceedings, they will be governed by the applicable regulatory provisions in force on disciplinary matters.

7.2. The rector’s decision to initiate disciplinary proceedings shall be communicated to the reported person or persons, who may exercise the rights inherent to their status as parties to administrative proceedings.

7.3. The Equality Unit will be informed of the adoption of the decision to initiate the disciplinary proceedings, as well as of the outcome thereof.

7.4. To prevent possible revictimization and unnecessary duplications and to strengthen the notion of dispatch as a guiding principle, the proceedings conducted previously as part of the preliminary investigation will be included in the disciplinary proceedings file for consideration by the person conducting them so that the affected person or persons do not have to give multiple statements on the facts.


8. Precautionary measures

Prior to the initiation of the disciplinary proceedings and once they have been initiated, both the Equality Unit and the Permanent Committee against Gender-based Violence and LGBTI-phobia may recommend to the rector that precautionary measures be taken to prevent contact between the affected person and the alleged perpetrator.

The alleged perpetrator shall be called in to give a statement if the disciplinary proceedings have not yet been initiated, or the interested party if they have, prior to the adoption of any precautionary measures, which must be duly reasoned and communicated to all interested parties.

The precautionary measures taken may not at any time prejudice the final outcome of the disciplinary proceedings, should they ultimately be initiated. No precautionary measure may be taken that could cause harm that is difficult or impossible to remedy to the alleged perpetrators or interested parties.

The precautionary measures will expire should the rector decide to close the preliminary proceedings or terminate the disciplinary proceedings, as applicable.


9. Monitoring and control of the development of the case and well-being of the affected persons

9.1. The Equality Unit will monitor the development of the case from the filing of the complaint or report to the final decision.

9.2. The Equality Unit is the university unit responsible for providing the affected persons with access to different support services, including teaching adaptations, psychological counselling via a specialized external body, and referral and support in public comprehensive care services and specialized associations.

These services will be offered to the entire university community, whether or not a complaint or report has been filed or the process provided for in section 6 above has been activated.

9.3. The Equality Unit will also provide information on the rights afforded under current law to women in situations of domestic or family violence and to their dependent children, as well as situations of LGBTI-phobic violence in the family environment.

 [KF1]És una mica confosa la numeració aquí: un número, seguit per un número, seguit per una lletra minúscula, seguida per una altra lletra minúscula, que dona peu a "5.1 a) a)" i, també a un pas de "g)" a "a)" cap al final que a primera vista podria semblar una errata. Potser convendria canviar la numeració dels sub-sub-apartats a una altra cosa perquè quedi tot més clar. Us ho comento només com a sugeriment.