Back PhD Workshop March 28-30, 2022

PhD Workshop March 28-30, 2022


The call for papers/posters for the annual Doctoral Workshop to be held on 28-30 March 2022 are open!

Please fell in Response form (deadline: 7 February, 2022).

28-30 March: Doctoral Workshop


Final programme 

Conference guidelines

Poster Guidelines

The recommended size for the poster is the following: A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches).

Format: .pdf

The secretariat will provide display boards for your poster. We will also provide tape for you to mount your poster to the display board. Each display board has two sides and there will be one poster per side. Each side will be marked with a number. You can mount your poster in any space available upon your arrival to the hall. The display board for the posters are 2 metre and 1 metre tall.