Back PhD Workshop March 22-23, 2021

PhD Workshop March 22-23, 2021



All those who have contributed to the 2021 PhD Conference: 

Thank you for your excellent work!

For two intense days, 49 Faculty members have participated as discussants, 82 students have presented papers and posters, 19 students have participated as chairs, 14 students as discussants of a first year poster, and 10 special guests from the Department have participated in the poster sessions. The sessions have been quite dynamic, many students and teachers have participated and, although it is not the ideal format, it has worked quite well.

Yet, we hope that next year we will be able to enjoy a face-to-face conference, share informal moments over coffee and discuss possible ramifications of your research work in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.


M. José González

Phd Program Coordinator

